Chapter 20

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"I'm going to miss you so much (Y/n)!" Nancy says, squeezing your slightly smaller form against her.

"Oh come on, it's only two weeks" You giggle and pull back, holding her at arm's length.

It was already the start of Christmas break, the platform buzzing with excited students, ready to get home after the first term of the year. The soft but chilled wind blew in your face, your cheeks reddening at the frosty touch as you stand at the platform, wishing Nancy a rather long goodbye.

"Well two weeks is a long time when you're stuck in the middle of nowhere with a crazy family like mine" She said, making you giggle softly.

"I'm sure you'll be fine, your family sounds quite fun actually, I'd love to meet them one day" you say with a smile, making her roll her eyes.

You look around the platform, watching students departing with their families. You tried to catch the familiar faces of the boys you had grown to love during your first part of your journey here at Hogwarts. You sighed in relief, barely recognising anyone amongst the large crowd, par from a few students who gave you small, tight lipped smiles as you catch their gaze. Looking over your shoulder, a toothy grin formed on your face as you see Tom leaning against one of the pillars, standing there with his hands in his pockets, his head leant against the wall with his eyes closed as you could clearly tell he was beginning to get impatient with your rather lengthy goodbye.

"You know, the boys are really starting to get suspicious" she said, causing you to avert your attention back to her.

You sigh softly, gazing down at the ground. You hated lying to them, but it was now starting to get quite out of hand, their questions had started to become a lot more persistent, catching you and Nancy off guard a lot of the time. The guilt was slowly starting to build up as time passed by, today hadn't made it any better, seeing as you had to make sure your goodbye was quick and early to them as they didn't know about Tom, not to mention the fact that he was spending Christmas with your family.

"I uh- I should really get going, Toms not a very patient person" you smile awkwardly, Nancy nodding her head in agreement.

"Right, well have a good Christmas with Mr lover boy over there, and make sure you Owl me, I'll be waiting" she giggles, pulling you in for one last hug before letting you go, giving a small wave to Tom behind you who just nodded his head in acknowledgement.

"Are you finally ready to head off then?" he sighed, grabbing his bag in his hand as you approach him.

"Yes I am" You roll your eyes, looking around before taking his hand in yours, you tighten your hand around his, smiling at the feeling of his larger, rougher hands in yours.

You grab your bag with the other hand, looking up at him before your vision goes black, your stomach turning in knots whilst you whirl around in a monotonous abyss.

"God I'm never going to get used to that" you groan, stumbling as your feet hit the pebbled ground.

"Are you ok?" He asks, brushing off his black trench coat as he stands there unaffected.

"Yeah just a little queasy" you smile, taking a deep breath before turning back to the large house in front of you.

"Well this is it" you take his hand in yours and walk up to the large mahogany doors. "My aunts pretty rich, a little stuck up but I promise she's nice" You smile up at him. "She also likes to ask a lot of questions so please don't feel intimidated, even though that I'm starting to believe that that is practically impossible" he scoffs at your remark, bringing his hand up to the door and knocking.

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