Chapter 10

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Pushing your way through the small crowd of Ravenclaws you found an empty row of seats towards the back of the stand. Although there weren't many people watching Ravenclaw's try-outs, it was particularly noisy. Many first years stood at the front, leaning against the barrier in excitement as they watched the team make their way onto the field.

You had thought about attending the game and decided it was best to go, despite the fact that your situation with Nancy and Andrew had still not yet improved even though it was nearing the end of the day. Hopefully turning up would show them that you had forgiven Andrew about this morning's events. You hated lying to them, however telling them about your unusual 'friendship' with Tom would have definitely gained their concern.

Sighing softly, you smiled as you watched them mount their broomsticks, kick off the ground and fly into the air. Nancy took her position as keeper, by the hoops to the far-right side of the field, whereas another Ravenclaw, who you knew as Charlie, guarded the hoops to the left of the field. You realised that she was fighting for her place to remain as keeper, silently praying under your breath and crossing your fingers for the girl to do well.

She must've felt your gaze as shortly after her eyes landed on your small figure sat amongst the others in the stand. With a large smile, you removed your hand from your pocket and waved, giggling to yourself as she waved back with a bit too much excitement, almost losing her balance.

Your eyes scanned the rest of the field, instantly landing on Andrew who was positioned right at the centre. You could tell he was focused, the normal laid-back look on his face was gone, now replaced with a stern focused glare as he listened to the coach go through the rules briefly.

His eyes landed on you momentarily as you were sat directly opposite to where he was positioned, doing a quick double take, as if he couldn't believe you were there. With a small smile and wave, you wished him a silent good luck, grinning as he replied with a wide smile and wink before returning to the game that was just about to start.

The whistle blew, sending the crowd into frenzy as they watched the players shoot off on their brooms. Though there weren't many people in the stands, the atmosphere was almost something out of a real match. The team was split in two, Andrew and Nancy appeared to be on the same side, trying to shoot the quaffle through the hoops at the left of the pitch.

You cheered along with the rest of the first years, adrenaline running through your veins as your main focus was on Andrew. You watched in awe as he weaved skilfully through the rest of his team-mates, it was obvious that he was going to be given the role as seeker as his 'opponent' seemed to be trailing behind him.

It had already been twenty minutes into the game and you were still cheering as loudly as ever with the rest of the first years, sticking out like a sore thumb amongst the smaller students. The score was seventy/fifty, in favour of the other team. They were only behind by twenty points, but you could've sworn you saw some of them cheat, whispering spells under their breath as their opponents whizzed past them. However, Andrews determined face gave you hope as he chased after the snitch. He had been so close so many times, but the tiny golden ball was one of the fastest things you'd ever seen. Andrews hand had literally been inches away from it, but in the last second it darted away, half way across the field, almost as if it was taunting the boy.

Suddenly the crowd erupted in a loud shout, your eyes snapped away from Nancy as you had been watching her block almost every quaffle that came her way, highly impressed with her skill. Your mouth fell open, eyes widening in anticipation as Andrew tumbled and rolled onto the grass. His chest heaved up and down heavily, eyes closed as a small grin formed on his face. He slowly rose his arm, holding up the snitch in his glove-cladded hand.

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