Chapter 14

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Closing the door quietly to your dorm, you secured the latch to make sure no one could enter. After the short encounter with Tom, you made your way to the dormitory where you knew no one would disturb you as almost everyone was in class.

Pulling the small envelope from your robe, you sat down on the bed, taking a deep breath before opening it, watching it float in front of you and take the shape of a 'worried' face.

The familiar voice of your fathers emitted from the small envelope, overwhelming you with a sense of trouble as you could hear loud shouts and explosions in the background.

(y/n) darling, I don't have much time, so I'll have to make this fairly short. I hope you've settled into school well and I apologise for the lack of contact, I've just been busy with all my paper work.

You rolled your eyes, he said that in almost every letter he'd sent you, apologising for the lack of letters and disrupted reunions at the end of term. He always blamed his paperwork and meetings, but you knew there was much more to it.

I'm going to be on the move for a while, maybe a month or two, you know how work is. So unfortunately, you're going to have to spend Christmas with aunt Mary again. I know I promised I'd take you to Italy but I'm going to be away over Christmas for work.

I have to go now darling, I'll make sure to send you a letter once I've settled down. I can't emphasise how sorry I am but just know that I love you (y/n) and I always will, no matter what.

Take care darling.

The envelope immediately ripped into shreds, setting aflame before falling to the ground in ashes. Sighing to yourself you halfheartedly kicked the ashes under your bed before falling back onto the soft pillows. You knew this would happen. It always did. But for some odd reason when he promised you he'd take you away for Christmas as an apology for missing your birthday, you believed him.

However, you knew something was wrong, you could tell by the tone of his voice, the slight cracks and rasp, you knew he hadn't slept for days. The shouting and explosions were quiet, but not quiet enough for you to not hear which only increased your anxiousness. Shaking your head, you sat up, you knew you father had dealt with this before but had just hidden it from you.

You knew he was going to be okay.


The day seemed to fly by too quickly as it was already time for your little meeting with Tom. The howler from your father played on your mind constantly but you knew you needed to hide your worry as Tom would be able to sense it instantaneously and he was too much of a determined boy to let it go.

Tapping your foot anxiously against the tiled floor you sighed, checking your watch again for the tenth time in the last minute. Tom should be here by now. Dinner had finished almost fifteen minutes ago and you had made it to the seventh floor within two.

"It's too late for him to show up..." you muttered under your breath, the disappointment clear in your voice. You hadn't seen him all day today, he didn't show up to potions which was odd, and he wasn't present during dinner either. Spending a lot of time with him recently, you missed the snide remarks, his weirdly comforting aura but not least, you missed those brown eyes of his that seemed to make you melt with every glance.

Sighing, you turned around and started to walk down the corridor as it was getting late. Maybe you could catch him tomorrow and he would show you then and put you out of your curious misery.

"(y/n)!" A loud hiss called you from behind.

You turned around instantly to see Tom marching towards you with an annoyed look on his face.

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