Chapter 15

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Hi guys

I am SO SO SO SO sorry for the long wait. I honestly didn't expect to be this busy, I've pretty much just got back into the swing of things at school. This is a really important year for me, so I've had a lot of exams recently. However, this week is the last week of exams for a while now, so hopefully I'll be able to update more frequently.

Thank you for being so patient!

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid. You sighed heavily and rushed down the long, barely lit corridor. It wasn't too late, hardly past curfew, but the prefects should be on duty already and you certainly wanted to avoid them. Especially if it was him.

Running up the stairs to the common room, you watched as the familiar face of an eagle emerged from the handle.

I have lakes but no water,

No cars but I have streets;

Many places and borders,

But I'm –

"A map" you mutter quickly, foot tapping against the stone floor anxiously as the wooden door creaked open.  You could've sworn you heard a small 'huff' as you closed the door behind you.

The vibrant lavender fire was still lit, making the common room nice and toasty. You were glad you had been sorted into Ravenclaw, almost everything about it reminded you of home. Your father had always tried his best to make your home as magical as possible, the thought of the different coloured fires and floating objects made your stomach clench from nostalgia.

"Well well well" you jumped in shock, pulling down harshly on the long-draped curtain, causing it to knock off a few ornaments from the window pane.

"Bloody hell Nancy! You almost gave me a heart attack" you scrambled to pick up the small objects, quietly placing it back on the shelf all whilst glaring back at her as she tried not to piss herself from laughter.

"Oh my god! Your face!" she wiped a tear from her eye "You jumped like my cat Lucy" she chucked quietly, causing you to cringe for your small distaste in cats.

"Why aren't you asleep? It's almost midnight" you leant against the window sill, checking the small golden watch on your wrist.

"I could say the exact same for you Miss (l/n)" she smirked at you "What's got you sneaking back into the common room after curfew?"

You gulped nervously, staring down at your feet. You tried so desperately to search your brain for a rapid excuse but for some reason you just couldn't. This would only happen when you'd try tell a small fib to your father but he always seemed to see through it.

"I was discussing something important with Professor Slughorn" you muttered under your breath, internally sighing as you knew she wasn't going to believe it.

"Pffft (y/n), how many times have we heard that one" she leant forward, leaning her elbows on her thigh. "Now tell me the real reason"

You looked up into her sparking brown eyes and made your way over to the spare arm chair to her right.

"I was with Tom"

"I knew it!"  she exclaimed, looking over at your slumped form with a huge grin on her face.

"We kissed" you blurted monotonously as you stared into the fire

"I knew – wait what? You KISSED!" you quickly leant over, shushing her as she fidgeted in excitement. "Oh my god (y/n), do you know how many girls have wanted to kiss him since like the first year?" she looked at you with wide eyes. "You need to tell me everything! Were his lips soft? Was he a good kisser? Did you use tongue?"  she squealed as she crawled out her seat and onto the floor in front of you.

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