Chapter 23

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The morning light struggled through the murky cloud, but even in its weakness it was enough to blind. The room illuminated with that special, cold pale light only a winters sun could give. Though the crisp, chilly air filtered through the small cracks in the window, attempting to bring in some of that bitter frost, it was outmatched by the warm, cinnamon scented air that spread throughout the house.

A small smile graced your lips as you realised what day it is. Lifting your head up gently to try and not wake Toms sleeping figure under you. Although the majority of the gifts you had purchased for your family and Tom remain perfectly wrapped under the tree downstairs, there was one gift in particular that you had come across on your small outing with your aunt and Tom that you just had to purchase. You slowly untangled your legs from his, cringing as the warmth of the blankets seemed to decrease as you shifted off the bed. A strong arm wrapped around your waist, your body stilling momentarily as Tom pulls you back to his chest.

"Where are you going?" He mumbles against the pillow, the roughness of his morning voice sending shivers down your spine.

"Well I was just off to retrieve one of your gifts" You smile softly, leaning down and kissing his forehead gently. "Merry Christmas Tom" You pull away slowly, watching his brown eyes flutter open.

"I thought I told you not to get me anything" He said, sitting up with his back against the headboard as he rubs the sleep from his eye. "But merry Christmas my love" He replies gently, brushing the few strands of hair off your shoulder causing a faint blush to dust across your cheeks.

"Well that is too bad, all your gifts are downstairs, par from one which is in that drawer over there" You say teasingly, pointing to the small, chipped draw in the corner of the room.

He rolls his eyes playfully, a small smile adorning his devilishly handsome face as he reaches over the side of the bed and grabs his wand, waving it silently as you watch a small square box whizz through the air and land on his lap.

"Tom, you didn't have to -" You start, frowning at the small gift in his lap.

Although you appreciated it immensely, you were more than aware of his financial status. He didn't have any guardians and from what you knew, not much savings either and so to see the velvet box, which you could tell was rather pricey, that now lay snug in his hands made you feel somewhat guilty.

"Don't start" He held up his hand, signifying for you to stop. "It's Christmas, the season of giving, I couldn't not get you something" He fiddled with the ring on his finger as he stared down at his lap. "Though I do apologise that it's only the one, I didn't expect you to get me much... I didn't expect anything at all"

"Tom" You replied gently, shifting so you straddle his lap, taking his hands in yours. "The best gift you have given me was agreeing to spend Christmas with my family and I" You smile, tilting your head so you could look into his eyes. "I don't need gifts, especially ones as fancy as that, though I do appreciate it a lot." You lean forward and peck his lips before sliding off his lap and walking over to the drawer.

Excitement flooded your body as you approached the outdated drawer, hoping that he would love the present. Throughout your time of knowing him, you realised that he is more sentimental than spoilt, appreciating things, whether they were actions of gifts that may not be flashy, but held a sort of meaning to him rather than the new gadgets that students just loved to flaunt.

"Thank you" His voice echoed through the room causing you to halt in your steps, the corners of your lips tugged upwards as you gazed at him over your shoulder, catching his soft stare.

"No need to thank me love, like you said, it's the season of giving" You winked before proceeding to retrieve his gift from the drawer.

You had spent your time wrapping his gift, sneakily worming your way out of his arms the previous night to wrap his gift perfectly on the bathroom floor. You assumed me may have woken and notice your absence, so locking yourself in the bathroom would have been the best excuse.

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