Chapter 5

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After potions, the rest of the day was a breeze and luckily Nancy and Andrew accompanied you in all your classes. You managed to impress Professor Dumbledore, who you learnt was the teacher near the boat, guiding all the first year to Hogwarts, with your talent in transfiguration. All the classes you had today were definitely some of your favourites and people seemed to be amazed at how talented you really are.

Your last lesson of the day was DADA which was also being taught by professor Dumbledore, he was the only teacher in the school to hold two teaching positions, one as a transfiguration professor and the other as a dark art.

Walking into class you realised you shared it with Slytherins, noticing the sea of green and silver ties amongst those of royal blue. The tables were set in twos, Nancy and Andrew were both sat on the second row, however you noticed Andrew was sat next to another Ravenclaw that you did not know the name of, and Nancy was sat next to them, just on the different table with an empty seat. She waved you over as soon as you walked in, setting your bag on the table you took out your books and a quill.

"So, how's Sirius?" Nancy teased and placed her head in the palm of her hand, watching you with intense eyes as you sat down.

"What do you mean?" you say with a small smile as a blush rose to your cheeks.

"Oh, come on (y/n) he so likes you!" She squealed.

You rolled you eyes and flipped open you book to a new clear page, you were about to turn to Andrew and saw a quick hi but a forceful bump on your shoulder caused you to jerk back in your seat.

"Watch it" you heard an annoying, high pitched voice squeak from behind you.

You turned your heard to see a girl with short black hair in the style of a bob and some freckles scattered across her nose. Her skirt was pulled up way too high, barely covering her behind and the first few buttons of her shirt undone. Her green and silver tie was hanging down her front, way too lose, which clearly meant she was in Slytherin.

You rolled your eyes and turned back around, deciding that she wasn't worth your time, ignoring the slight pain in your shoulder as she oh so gracefully bumped you with her thick books.

"That's Olive Hornby, she's a Slytherin and probably the worst one out of all of them. You see, she comes from a pure blood family and thinks she's better than the rest of us. She also is obsessed with Tom, she was one of the girls talking about you on the train, probably jealous because he offered you personal help and acts like she barely exists" Nancy whispered in your ear as you focused your attention straight ahead, ignoring the giggles coming from behind you.

You sighed and rolled your eyes as you heard the girls behind you suddenly squeal as Tom walked in with his group of friends behind him

"Ugh how does he manage to get even hotter over the summer" you heard one of them say and laugh quietly to yourself at how pathetic they sound.

They tried calling him over, to sit with them at the back of the class but he just responded with a polite nod and sat in front of you to the left, right in front on Nancy. You saw him roll his eyes as Olive started whining about how its you're fault and that you've got him under a sort of spell to keep him close. You had a good view of his profile and took the opportunity to study him without being caught.

To say he was handsome was an understatement, his silky black hair looked almost perfect under the ambient light of the class, the slight curl at the top looking effortless. His defined jaw and cheekbones seemed almost unfair as they were carved perfectly to the shape of his face, his jaw tensed and relaxed as he chatted with his friends about something you couldn't care less about as you sat there admiring him. The soft glow of the class made his chocolate brown eyes look like honey in the light, so captivating and calm.

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