Chapter 11

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Leaves crunched under your shoes as you walked along the grass, making your way towards the black lake where you said you would meet Tom after dinner. Although the day was fairly mild and full of sunshine, the nights were certainly starting to get colder. You pulled the sleeves of your jumper over your hands, cursing to yourself as you had forgotten to bring a jacket or your robes. The cold air managed to seep through the tiny holes of your grey school jumper, causing Goosebumps to arise on your skin. Your warm breath fogged in the air as you sighed to yourself, the lake was in clear sight but there was no sign of Tom, thinking that he ditched you and was just playing a cruel joke as you knew for a fact that Tom was never late to anything.

Shaking your head, you trudged over to the lake, sitting down right at the bank. The small stars in the sky reflected in the water, the lake looking almost symmetrical to the night sky if it wasn't of the small ripples that would distort the perfect image. Even during the day, it was almost impossible to see past the surface of the lake, only at the edges you could see small bits of seaweed floating in the water, but only if you looked carefully. The night made it unfeasible to gaze down into the lake, the small plants lost in the absence of light. Your reflection was virtually perfect, even being able to make out the small details of the stars glistening in your eyes.

A small rustle of leaves brought you out of your thoughts, snapping your head back you saw the dark-haired boy you had been waiting for, leaning against the trunk of large tree directly behind you.

"Bloody hell Tom, you almost gave me a heart attack" you gasped, standing up, brushing the small amount of dirt off your skirt.

"Well if you hadn't been so stupidly oblivious, you would've realised that I've been sitting here for a while now" he mimicked your actions

"You could've at least told me you were here, its cold out and I'd like to be back inside as soon as possible" you hugged your arms around your waist.

Tom looked over at your form briefly, rolling his eyes at your cold figure. He sighed, shrugging off his robe, leaving him in a similar grey jumper to yours.

"Here, take it" he handed his robe over, careful not to drop it.

"Thank you" you smiled at the kind gesture, slipping on his larger robe.

You couldn't help but notice that it reeked of peppermint and vanilla, you were oh so tempted to bring the soft fabric to your nose, the scent so delicious but comforting the same time. Your body automatically felt snug, the Goosebumps cowering away as you silently thanked the boy for being so warm. "Aren't you going to be cold?" you frowned, suddenly feeling bad for stealing his robes.

"I'll be fine" his eyes skimmed over your figure, a humorous look on his face as he realised how much larger his robes looked on your small body.

He noticed you looking at him and the warm look of his face was instantly replaced with his normal stoic expression.

"Let me see your wand" he outstretched his hand, the paleness of his skin contrasting to the darkness of the night.

You nodded, pulling out your wand from the sleeve of your jumper and handing it over. You watched as he twisted the wand in his hands, inspecting it carefully with a small frown on his face.

"What is it made from?" he asked, not taking his eyes off the wand.

"Holly and Siren silk" you watched as he looked at you through the corner of his eye with a raised eyebrow.

"Siren silk? I don't think I've ever come across a wand with Siren silk before" he straightened his posture, staring at you with a curious look on his face.

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