Chapter 6

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For once you woke up feeling good about yourself, last evening set your hopes high for the school as everyone had found out about your duel with Olive. Last night was filled with many congratulations from the most random of people, you could've sworn you even heard professor Slughorn whisper a little well done in your ears as you walked into the great hall for dinner. You learnt that Olive was not a very 'popular' person among the rest of the students at Hogwarts, the only people that seemed to like her was her minions that followed her around everywhere, you even heard that they're only her friend because they're scared of how powerful her family is.

Walking down to the breakfast was probably the most pleasant morning you've had in a while, the small smiles of people that walked past you and the subtle 'good mornings' made you enter the hall with a big grin on your face.

"What's got you so happy in the morning?" you felt an arm wrap round your shoulder and turned to see Sirius looking down at you with a smile.

"I don't know, I just feel really good this morning" you sat down at the Ravenclaw table, towards the end.

The hall was pretty empty, you started classes late today as you had a free lesson in the morning meaning that all the younger students were all still in class.

"So I heard about your little stunt with Olive yesterday" Sirius said as you grabbed an apple and some grapes.

"Well I'd be surprised if you hadn't to be honest" you say smiling down at you bowl.

"To say I'm impressed is a bit of an understatement, although I'm sorry I couldn't congratulate you yesterday, Slughorn gave me detention for setting fire to one of the plants in potions. Had to stay back sweep up the classroom till curfew" he sighs and swirls round the orange juice in his cup.

You shake your head and giggle, looking up from your bowl. Your laughing stopped as your gaze caught the one of Toms, he sat at the Slytherin table with one of his 'friends' who you learnt was Avery. Avery seemed to be chatting his head off while stuffing his face with food while Tom just sat there with a half-eaten apple in his hand as he stared straight at you.

Your eyebrows furrowed questionably, and you tilted your head as neither of you broke eye contact, his chocolate brown eyes shone with curiosity and smugness as he knew how intense and uncomfortable you felt. Sirius's voice seemed to die down and fade into the background as he ranted on about Slughorn and the incident in potions. All your focus was on the dark-haired boy directly across the hall, you felt a small poke in your head and cringed at the unfamiliar feeling, but still never broke eye contact. The poke seemed to get sharper and sharper, your head suddenly starting to feel overwhelmed as you saw a small smirk appear on his face.

Your eyes widened in realisation and you quickly looked away, breaking the intense stare you had and put up the 'walls' inside your head. You blinked a few times, rubbing your eyes a little as you tried to restore your vision, your surroundings began to lose its purple tinge and become clear.

With a hint of hesitation, you dared yourself to look back up at the captivating boy, the smug grin on his face now wiped clear and replaced with a stone-cold glare as he stared at you. He probably thought that you didn't know what he was doing, using legilimency to read your thoughts. What he did not know was that your father had taught you occlumency when you were in your 5th year at beaux batons. He mentioned it was to do with his work and how he did not want anyone knowing our business, so he taught you occlumency to make sure his secrets stay hidden.

With an angry look on his face, Tom abruptly stood up from his chair and grabbed his books, leaving the hall with a confused Avery still sat at the table with a stuffed mouth.

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