chapter 21

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Rays of sun filtered thought the slight gap in your sheer curtains, illuminating the room in a soft yellow glow as the sun finally peaked over the horizon. A beam of light landed right on your face, the sudden feeling waking you from your dreamless sleep. You moaned softly, pulling the duvet to you chin as you cuddled into the warmth radiating on your right, a small smile formed on your face as your cheek landed atop of a warm bare chest, a strong arm tightening its grip around your waist.

"Good morning" Tom said, the raspiness in his voice sending chills down your spine.

"Morning" you replied softly, finally opening your eyes as you rest your chin on his chest, looking up at him.

There was no wonder why all the girls at school completely adored him, sometimes you'd find yourself staring at him, not even realising your actions as your thoughts ran wild. He'd always catch you out, responding with a low chuckle or a sly wink, causing your cheeks to flare up knowing that it was one of his favourite things about you. You took the time to admire him, rarely being able to see him in a relaxed state, not to mention the first thing in the morning. His dark curls fell against his forehead, his hair messy but in the most gracious way that urged you to run your fingers through it. His head was tilted to the side, eyes closed as his chest rose up and down in steady breaths. You traced your finger along his jaw, relishing in its sharpness and strength before grazing your knuckles against his perfectly defined cheek bones.

"You're lucky I'm used to your staring by now" he said in a low voice, "Otherwise you'd look like an absolute creep" you smiled, watching as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and look down at your gazing form. "How was your sleep?" he asked, reaching down and stroking your soft cheek in his hand, his eyes boring into yours.

"It was good" you closed your eyes and embraced his gentle touch. "How was yours?"

"The best sleep I've had in a long time" he stretched, placing both hands behind his head whilst continuing to gaze down at you. "Any plans for the day? I must admit, I wouldn't mind spending my day like this" he smirked, your cheeks heating up.

"Well my Aunt may have a few things planned" you sat up, the thin strap of your nightgown falling off your shoulder, Tom immediately grasping it in his fingers and toying with it as he looked up at you. "Nothing too extreme I should hope, not really in the mood"

"Well" He said, wrapping his arm around your waist, pulling you back down and pinning you beneath him, burying his head in your neck as he kisses up and down your soft skin, a smile forming on his face as you erupt in giggles. "Why don't you tell your Aunt that you're feeling poorly so we can stay like this for the rest of the day" he says into your neck.

You bit your lip softly, a smile forming on your face as your stomach fills with butterflies. You don't think you'd ever get used to this side of Tom, loving that he was affectionate and not scared to show how much he cared when you were alone. You were convinced that being with him would've consisted of barely any intimacy, but you were more than glad that it was clearly the opposite.

"I can't" you laugh softly. "I see my Aunt maybe once or twice a year, id feel bad to cancel any of her plans"

He sighed into your neck, pulling back and smirking slightly, admiring his work. Although Tom wasn't the most affectionate person in public, he liked to make sure people knew what was his, loving the sense of authority and power. You belonged to him, and he wanted people to know that, though that may sound sexist and power obsessed, Tom knew and loved how independent you were. The fact that you didn't rely on friends, family or even himself to get through life was rare for a woman at this day and age to which he commended you a lot for. The image of you by his side as he purged the world of muggles and mudbloods thrilled him, a sense of pride overwhelming his mind as he stared down at your flushed form, loving the sight of your messy hair sprawled elegantly against the pillow, your soft plump lips parted as a pleasured expression formed on your face as you lay there with your neck exposed for him to claim.

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