00 | arrival

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"hyung!" jungkook began screaming loud when he saw the silver haired guy nearly approaching them.

seokjin smiled widely at him as he open his arms. taehyung hugged him as he smiled and whispered a, "i missed our hometown."

"welcome back," jin replied.

"hyung, i missed you hyung!" jungkook then continued cheering and hugged him tight.

"yah jungkook-ah, i can't breathe," taehyung jokingly mumbled and laughed.

"hyung, hyung! i really missed you!" jin and taehyung chuckled as soon as jungkook started to exclaim it real loud.

"lower down your voice, kookie. alright i get it. i missed you too," taehyung ruffled his hair and grabbed his luggages.

"wow, you really did comeback here after 5 years huh?" jin tapped his shoulders and helped him bring his bags.

"yeah, been feeling homesick since last year," he chuckled. "thanks for accepting me again."

"aish, you don't need to say something like that! that house is ours, alright? you can go home everytime you want!" jin assured him and held onto his shoulder.

jungkook smiled. "he's right, hyung. anyway, how long are you planning to stay here?"

"as long as i can, maybe? while waiting the company to call me if i'm accepted or not."

jin smirked. "no need to be nervous! you'll probably get in there, kid!"

"i'm not nervous. i know i'll be accepted there," he chuckled making the two groan.

"hyung we know you're smart and a good worker but no need to say it right infront of our faces," jungkook whined and laughed.

"we're proud of you taehyung. we really do hope that you'd be hire because you deserve it."

"thanks hyung.."

"and hyung, while you're here.. please do all the chores," jungkook once again laughed.

"yah! you punk!" jin declared and faced taehyung. "i'm glad you've decided to stay here for the mean time, taehyung. you'll have no worries."

taehyung shrugged his shoulders. "i miss you both and the others. are we getting a reunion now?" he looked up to them both.

"jimin and hoseok we'll be here two weeks after their vacation. namjoon is staying at his parents' house but once he'll hear this out, he'll probably come back at our house."

"how about yoongi hyung?"

"oh. he.. moved into the other town."

"why? i thought he has a girlfriend? you said before that he have, right? living near the house too?" taehyung looked at jungkook. "the girl you keep on talking about?"

jungkook chuckled. "we thought too. but later on we realized they're just friends. i don't know what happened but they never talked again and then boom.. suga hyung moved into another town."

"that's strange," taehyung pouted.

"i know," seokjin mumbled. "but let's go. we gotta keep moving, it's getting late."

taehyung and jungkook nodded as they began heading to seokjin's car.

"welcome home kim taehyung," jin chuckled and was the first one to get out of the car. taehyung followed and looked around.

the same old black and white two storey house they've been living ever since high school still looks beautiful. his smile showed up as he stared at their house and before he can even enter it, jungkook shouted something.

"noona!" taehyung turned his head to look at where is jungkook shouting.

he saw a girl walking towards the other house beside them. looking so small and adorable with a white oversized shirt and a baggy sweatpants.

she only showed a small smile to jungkook and waved a little.

'how adorable.' he whispered through his head.

"annyeong!" jungkook yelled again. jin hitted jungkook's shoulder and whispered. "don't scare her!"

"hi, dongsaeng! good evening!"

taehyung saw the girl mumbling the same thing but he couldn't hear her out because of the small voice she used. he began laughing silently until the girl bowed and before she ran inside the house, their eyes met.

then she left using her small steps.

"ah, so cute!" jungkook giggled and jin groaned.

"jungkook-ah, she's older than you," then he looked at taehyung. "i guessed you both are in the same age. but anyway, let's go inside. i'll prepare dinner," he then headed towards the door followed by jungkook who's still cursing because of the hit he received from jin.

"who's that?" taehyung asked him.

"what? who? where?" jungkook looked around, creasing his forehead.

"pabo," he laughed. "i mean the girl at the other house."

"oh," he scratched his head and looked at the house taehyung was pointing.

"she's jisoo noona. yoongi hyung's ex close friend. she's cute, right? anyway, let's go!"


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