21 | abused

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"how about these snacks?" seokjin grabbed three pieces of the chips before showing it to the boys and jisoo.

"gross," namjoon commented and rolled his eyes. hoseok pulled the cart, ignoring him, causing jimin and jungkook to laugh out loud and tease him.

"hyung, we're going to an outing, not to other planet," jimin pointed out. "who the hell buy those kind of snacks, hyung?" jungkook followed.

"me, idiots! i'm going to buy these chips whether you like it or not!" he blunty said and grabbed the other cart to put the snacks inside and flipping his hair to them as he went to the other aisle.

jisoo laughed before shaking her head. it was almost past 1 am but there they are inside a 24-hour grocery store. these boys, really..

"chu, do you want anything?" taehyung, who showed up out of nowhere, asked her before grabbing some snacks and added it to the cart of jungkook and jimin.

the two whined and protested, "you and jisoo already have your own cart! why putting these to ours? as if you're gonna pay for it!"

taehyung pointed their cart with a poker face while jisoo just stood there, watching them. "can't you see that ours are already full? use your eyes!"

"yah, yah!" yoongi joined their conversation before the two could start whining again. "give me that, i'd pay for it! you're all so noisy!" he grabbed the chips and placed it on his cart who actually doesn't have a lot, only some fresh red meat and beef he wanted to buy.

"thanks hyung!" taehyung chimed. "jimin and jungkook are so annoying!"

"excuse me?!" jimin was offended.

"pardon?" jungkook raised his brow and glared at taehyung.

"jisoo," taehyung nudged and went near her who keeps on watching them. "they keep on fighting me.."

jungkook was fast to hiss and groan. "get away from noona and don't use your cringy baby voice, hyung!"

"jisoo, can you give me a favor?" jimin asked her. "please punch taehyung for me." he smiled.

"how about you three fight in the corner so you could let me buy foods peacefully?" jisoo jokingly answered which made them three to pout their lips.

"hey kids, let's go!" seokjin screamed from the other aisle. "we're not kids, hyung!" taehyung answered back before pulling jisoo and the cart away from the two.

"by the way," taehyung took a step backward and let jisoo hold their cart as he looked back to jimin and jungkook who was now fighting what drinks would they get.

"i forgot something on the aisle seven, i'd be back right away. do you want something?" he asks jisoo, while the latter shakes her head slightly before smiling.

"no, i'm fine," she smiled sweetly. "i'll just catch up with seokjin and the rest. be back fast."

"yes, captain!" he chuckled and jog away from them.

"really? he forgot something? your cart is hundred percent full!" jimin commented.

"just let him, chim," jisoo chuckled. "besides, our food wouldn't bother you on our trip anyway. we'll take the car," she giggled.

"wah, look at this noona," jungkook sighed. "now she completely forgot us just because she met taehyung!" his hand held his chest and acted like his heart was aching.

"yah," jisoo went near him and hugged him sideways. "you're my little baby, don't you know that?"

"really, noona?"

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