16 | help

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warning. triggering content.


she finishes the decoration for the desserts before lisa opened the door at the café to welcome the friends she's been saying she 'invited'.

their café decided to have a small late christmas party for the workers. their boss agreed on having some other friends invited too and since jisoo was still not into talking terms with the boys, she just came alone while lisa said she'd bring some friends.

what the hell?

jisoo approached lisa fast when she saw who came. she grabbed her away from them even though she saw them looking at her.

"i'm glad you came at our party- oh, hey unnie! wait, where are we going? why are you dragging me?"

"lisa," she inhaled. "why didn't you tell me that you'd invite them over-"

"hey, hey, unnie," she held my shoulders and gently carresses it. "calm down.. i did told you i'm going to invite some friends and i thought you didn't bother to decline because you're their friend too."

jisoo creases her forehead at what lisa said. she once again looked at the boys and they're already sitting on one of the tables now.

jungkook, jimin and hoseok even smiled sweetly at her but she just couldn't reply because for some reason, she still doesn't wanna talk to them, so she diverted her eyes back to lisa.

"and hey unnie," lisa smiled. "i saw what that taehyung oppa did to you, alright? he made you calm down and so i know you're close to them or it means you're someone special to them."

still, she didn't utter a word. lisa pursed her lips and mumbled, "i didn't know that you won't like them to be invited.. i'm sorry unnie.."

jisoo sighed heavily and just nodded. "it's fine, lisa. it's not my own party anyway, and i'm just here because you pleaded, not because i want to enjoy."

lisa happily nudged and chuckled, "yeah, unnie, say whatever you want. just don't divert yourself to cleaning and arranging the foods, our boss told us it's our free night tonight, so be it!"

jisoo chuckled at the younger girl's movements when she started headbanging a little. she just walked towards the kitchen to check if anything is going smoothly with the foods for the other people inside the café.

"oh, jisoo!"

her eyes widened when she saw her co-worker making out with someone, probably her boyfriend or fling or whoever he is, on the corner of the kitchen.

"oh my god!" she histerically mumbled. "i'm sorry! i didn't mean to-"

she heard her co-worker and the man laughed at her panicked statement. the girl pulled her skirt down more and fixed her blouse before giving a peck on the man's left cheek.

"it's fine, little girl," she smirked. "don't act so innocent.."

"what do you mean?" her brows raised a little.

her co-worker snickered and walked towards her but the last thing she knew, was when the girl went out before letting out an evil laugh.

"say hi to my boyfriend," she whispered and closed the door.

jisoo ran fast to follow her and open it but then suddenly she sensed that it was locked. she tried shouting and banging the door but nothing was happening!

what the hell just happened?! why is this locked?!

the kitchen was soundproof and the music outside was so loud, no one would probably hear her! she doesn't even wanna face her back because suddenly she felt chills roll down her body.

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