10 | yoongi

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"jisoo," as taehyung wanted to make the atmosphere better, he quickly held jisoo's shoulder and excused her. "come on, let's go inside. jin hyung might eat our ice cream."

yoongi was just there standing, creasing his forehead while looking at the two. jungkook snapped yoongi and told him to stay.

jisoo was just quiet and still shocked, she doesn't know what to do and what to say when she saw yoongi walking towards her.

don't leave me alone. she whispered through her own mind. ..please.

"do you want us to go to your house? you want to rest? are you tired?"

she quickly looked at taehyung but her blinking went fast and she couldn't even utter a word as her lips started to quiver.

"hey, jisoo.." he called her and pulled her at the side of the house, near the kitchen. the other boys are nowhere to be found which made her more nervous of yoongi.

"taehyung, i-"

"calm down," he whispered. "relax.. don't look at him, don't talk to him, or better yet, don't let him come near you."

jisoo raised her head and saw how lovely taehyung's eyes are. he was comfortably staring at her while smiling sadly. "jungkook's here. jimin, hoseok hyung.. all of them are here. i'm here," he followed.

jisoo gripped on his hands and shook her head. "i know.. i know, taehyung. i just can't help it-"

"guys," they both looked at seokjin who's now getting near them and was looking at them curiously. "what's happening?"

he went near them and checked jisoo. "are you okay? what happened?"

she bit her lower lip more and shook her headㅡ which made jin glance at taehyung.

"hyung," he started. "i.."

jin nodded before he can even continue. "i get it. stay calm, yoongi's not a criminal. he won't hurt her."

"i know," he mumbled. he knows how much yoongi cares for jisoo and he was just afraid of ehat would jisoo feel again. he doesn't want her to ran away again like before anymore.

"guys," jimin called them with namjoon and hoseok following him. "wanna watch a movie?"

jimin titled his head and bore his eyes to jisoo. he smiled brightly and continued, "the movie looks good based on the trailer."

"yeah, jisoo," hoseok nodded. "marvel."

namjoon followed and laughed awkwardly. "bet you'd love that."

taehyung sighed. so this is what they do, huh. he noticed how all of them will try to distract and make her happy to forget what is she feeling but he's so different from that. he wants jisoo to keep herself safe and relax, not like this.

"oh come on," he hissed and rolled his eyes at them.

"tae," seokjin called him. "just stop over reacting. jisoo knows how to handle herself. trust yoongi, he won't do anything bad to her."

taehyung gritted his teeth as he glanced at jisoo who's still keeping her head low.

"you guys.." they heard a voice. "why are you there? let's go at the living room," jungkook was laughing nervously.


they followed him, with jimin staying at jisoo's side while taehyung grabbed the ice cream tube.

he stopped at the kitchen and mumbled a cuss. he can't even think straight knowing how jisoo would panic, but the only thing he couldn't understand is why does she keeps on shutting her mouth and follow them well in fact, jisoo could've ran away to her house earlier.

"hyung!" taehyung heard jimin grunting again. he instantly rushed towards the living room.

"goddammit," yoongi cursed.

"why are you both acting like i'm going to kill her? i just want to tell her something important!"

he saw jisoo sitting at the sofa while jungkook is infront of her, shielding her from yoongi while jimin is keeping yoongi from his place. the older guys are only looking at them, getting ready at what might happen.

"well you could just tell me through phone!" jungkook answered.

taehyung approached them. yoongi glanced at him and shook his head, not wanting to start a dummy conversation.

"what's the matter?"

"he said he wants to talk to her," seokjin replied to him.

"hyung," jimin whispered. "you know her state. you know she doesn't want to talk to you.. what the hell are you trying to do?"

namjoon scoffed. "yah," he called them. "that's enough. jungkook, accompany jisoo back to her house. we will all have a talk here."

yoongi shut his eyes harshly. "do you really think i'd harm her?" he glanced at them all, especially jungkook. "do you?"

"hyung, it's not like that. you see how much we want to-"

"then don't make me look bad here!" he hissed. "i just want to tell her something! why are you all meddling with me anyway?"

seokjin stood up and so did hoseok. they went straight at the middle while taehyung went close to jisoo and jungkook.

damn, that was a deep pep talk.  he mumbled, shocked at what he witnessed earlier.

"yoongi, enough," seokjin mouthed.

"oh wow," he clicked his tongue once again. "i can't believe this."

"damn, we look like shits," hoseok suddenly mumbled and laughed a little.

"fine!" he raised his both arms and took a step backward after pushing jimin's hands away. "you don't want me near her? fine!"

"fuck," he continued. "all i wanted to fucking say is that she should be careful because her brother bought an apartment and is now living near this goddamn town!"

taehyung eyes widened. he glanced at jisoo immediately and saw how she shivered as her lips trembled.

yoongi knows about her brother? he asked himself, but what made him more curious, is that he saw how all of them got frozen upon hearing yoongi.

before they can even react, jisoo ran away fast.

"oh fuck," seokjin mouthed. "why do you have to bluntly say that infront of her?!"

jungkook went to yoongi and grabbed his colar, mad at how yoongi didn't even tried thinking hard of saying those information.

"hold up," taehyung finally spoke. "all this time.. you know her story?"

jimin glanced at him, biting his inner cheek. "you do?"

before jimin had finished his sentence, yoongi went out to talk to jisoo again but taehyung stopped him. he pushed him back and glared at him, then he stormed out of the house to follow jisoo.

yo yall i was rushing when i typed this. please excuse my typos and correct it if ever you see one. good day!

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