20 | reconcile

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he has seen how taehyung and jisoo's friendship grew and how their affection to each other bloom. even with him holding grudges to his younger friend, or eventually having feelings to the girl he only took care of, he's still at bliss for witnessing it all.

even though he was also in pain.

he couldn't help but to ask heaven, why? why not him? isn't he not enough for jisoo? or wasn't he deserving to love back?

he was tired of questioning everything that doesn't go along his way. he had been in sorrow for how many times already, and soon he realized he doesn't want to blame every little thing to them.

it was all his fault, he thought.

and when he saw how jisoo was afraid and scared to be in the same room with him, or even glance at him, it mad yoongi realize to bore in his mind to never, ever, give the pain back to all of them, because they don't deserve it, even though he was already the one experiencing it.

he sounded so selfish when he returned back to their house just because he wanted to see jisoo so much, and knowing that taehyung was already becoming part of jisoo's life.

but he just soon regret coming back. he hated how almost all of his friends doesn't want to go near him, they were there to protect jisoo and take him away from him, which he couldn't take.

"hyung," jungkook called him and smiled sweetly. "come join us?"

yoongi glanced at jisoo who remained looking at him. he was taken aback because for once, after a long time, jisoo dared to make an eye contact with him.

taehyung was just there smiling at him, waiting for his answer. deep inside yoongi knew still hated him for turning everything upside down and for taking jisoo from him, but he was still, and will always be thankful, for saving jisoo.

that he can never do.

"no, it's fine," he answered after a long silence. "i'll be going back. i just thought you're all still asleep so.." he nodded and turned his back from them without waving a goodbye.

he couldn't attain it. seeing jisoo looking at him with those beautiful and soft eyes.. she wasn't doing anything but his heart was wrecking painfully.

yoongi walked fast to go back in their house before sighing heavily. "damn," he mumbled when he could feel his hands shaking from what happened earlier.

what if jisoo ran back to her room again? he asked himself. what if i'll see her again looking away because she hates looking at me?

"i almost screwed again!" he grunted and kicked the plants infront of their house to let out his frustration.

"you're hurting the plants," a soft voice was suddenly heard.

yoongi titled his head on the side fast, and when he saw her, his jaw drop as he moved back in shock. "jisoo.."

"hi?" she mumbled and chuckled. her morning face was just too adorable for yoongi, he couldn't focus much especially knowing jisoo talked to him first.

"h-hi.." he bit his lower lip when he felt it slowly shaking. "why are you here? it's still early morning, it's too cold for you-"

"yoongi," she called him fast before pursing her lips. "i'm sorry.."

"jisoo!" he was fast to approach her but couldn't hold her too when jisoo started crying.

"no, i'm fine!" she then chuckled before wiping her tears away. "i know i had been an ass for ignoring you and making you feel bad, so i wanted to apologize.. i was late to realize that i should be thankful for having you boys in my life-"

"hey, no.." he cooed. "the blame is on me.."

but fuck. he was so happy! the conversation was too deep but yoongi began trying to hide his smile forming on his lips. he was too stunned seeing jisoo finally talking to him!

"i'm sorry for knowing your secret. i shouldn't have done that.. i'm sorry for pushing myself to help you even though you can do it by yourself-"

he stopped apologizing when jisoo ran to hug him tight. her short arms wrapped around his waist and yoongi couldn't help but to finally hug her back. "damn, i missed you chu.."

"i missed you too, yoongi.. and i'm sorry for being a brat!" he could feel her pouting against his shoulder.

"i'm sorry for trying to protect you in that kind of way," he mumbled softly, tears began flooding from his eyes before letting out his emotions again.

he was crying..


"sojus out!" jungkook screamed loud and wiggled his booty to jimin who was rolling his eyes. "those two are mine!" he pointed out the two soju on the table causing the others to laugh at them.

"i'll be getting the beers, kook, say goodbye to your somaek!" jimin teased him before kicking the ball. jungkook stuck his tongue out and soon tried to block the ball before it would hit the table.

"no, hyung!" he whined when seokjin screamed "goal!"

hoseok and namjoon started laughing when jimin copied jungkook's butt wiggle and grabbed the beers away from him.

"that's what you get, muscle pig!"

"hyung, stop calling me that!" jungkook grunted and secretly glanced at lisa who was laughing at them while eating.

they all decided to have a mini party in jisoo's garden. earlier, the rest of the boys cheered when jisoo and yoongi already reconciled, and taehyung couldn't be more prouder of jisoo slowly trusting them again.

"i'll cook the beef!" jisoo volunteered and grabbed the five plates of beef that was placed on the table.

"tae," she called him.

taehyung was the one incharged of cooking this time and jisoo saw him wanting to join the boys who were having fun, so she decided to help him.

"hey, chu, why are you here? your eyes would get hurt-"

"no, it's fine," she giggled. "i want to help you.."

he just nodded and smiled before watching her starting to cook the beef. the boys' noises was soon joined by lisa who also played their game. their loud yells and lisa's high pitched screams caused the two to laugh out loud.

taehyung looked down to jisoo, seeing how her cresent moon eyes shows up whenever she smiles or laughs. he smiled softly and mumbled, "i'm happy you're happy."

jisoo stopped from giggling and looked back to him before pouting. "well, i'm happy you came into my life."

his eyes grew bigger before biting the inside of his cheeks, hearing his heartbeat throbbing fast.

"wow, is kim jisoo hitting on me?" taehyung chuckled, afraid jisoo would hear his heartbeat.


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