11 | stay

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yoongi and jin followed him outside before he can even run to jisoo, while the rest stayed at the living room.

"you can't follow her. let her be in her own-" jin started but taehyung harshly shook his head.

"no, hyung! you don't know what can jisoo do without us calming her! you don't know if she can harm herself-"

"she won't," yoongi coldly mumbled. "i know her well. she won't do anything bad-"

"well that's before she haven't heard anything about her family!" taehyung grunted. "get your shits together! how can you even say that bluntly without even thinking of her situation?!"

"yah," seokjin called him. "yoongi's still older than you. respect him." 

taehyung clenched his jaw and sighed in disbelief. "i don't care, hyung."

yoongi smirked at him and clicked his tongue in annoyance.

and without even saying anything, taehyung left them and walked fast to jisoo's house to follow her and check her if anything bad happens to her.

"taehyung! you little shit!" seokjin screamed loud but he ignored them.

yoongi was about to follow him too but jin stopped him. "let him, yoongi. he knows what to do."

"and you think i don't?" he asked him back.

"jisoo?" taehyung called using a small voice. all he can hear are sobs and a voice begging someone to stop.

taehyung got chills all over his body. he got worried and ran upstairs to check her inside her room.

with the silence all over jisoo's house, he can already know which room at the second floor he should go in.

he saw jisoo sitting at the corner of her room, crying, covering her ears, and mumbling some pleading words.

.. desperately trying to unhear those voices she keeps on hearing.


"no, no. please, no," she cried harder. "don't come near me please. don't-"


"no, please!" jisoo screamed loud. "i'm begging you, don't walk near me-"

it was heartbreaking to see, as soon as taehyung's sight got blurred because of the unshed tears he was trying to stop.

jisoo was just hugging herself and holding onto her ears while begging taehyung to go away. her face got flooded of her tears and her eyes were shut down tightly.

"no, i'm not going to hurt you.." he mumbled in a soft voice and slowly went near her. "it's me taehyung.."

"please.." she pleaded one more. "i don't wanna hear those voices again. please, please.."

he kept on cursing his own self and yoongi, who was the only reason why jisoo's into this state again.

taehyung couldn't even walk closer, even thought he wanted to.

he thinks that once he'll hold her, she'll break into pieces and he will never forgive himself if that happens.

"don't hurt me, please-"

"no, no! i won't hurt you! it's taehyung, jisoo! listen to my voice!" he still kept on trying to move forward even though he can't just to hear her sobs clearer.

jisoo tightly covered her ears again, almost losing her battle against the voices she keeps on hearing.

"get out, please! get out!" she once again exclaimed. "i don't want you or anyone else to see me like this!"

"jisoo, i can't just leave you here! come on, calm down.."

she tried to push him away but she couldn't. jisoo doesn't even have enough power to do it because she was still crying so hard, and that's when taehyung got a chance to hold her hand tightly and stroked it gently.

"i won't leave you.." he repeated countless times to her while reaaching for her face to wipe her tears away but jisoo was just too strong and cold, still trying to take her hand back from him.

taehyung thought of something jisoo needed to calm her down. he looked around her room and tries to search for her medicines.

"jisoo, where are your medicines? you need to drink it-"

she suddenly gapsed and pushed him hard  just to go back at the corner to cry again. "i don't want to drink anything!" she responded and sobbed softly.

"jisoo please.. you need to drink your medicines!"



"no, no! i'll hear them again, i'll hear those voices again!" she cried harder and louder but this time, taehyung ran towards her to stop her from crying and held her face softly.

"alright, alright.." taehyung whispered gently. "i won't push you to drink it.. calm down.."

jisoo's face was full of her tears and she almost turn into purple because of the screams she was trying to let out from her mouth.

"taehyung.." she gently whispered, calling his name. taehyung bend more for their faces to level each other as he hummed in response.

"yes, it's me, jisoo.. loosen up, alright? i'm here, i won't leave you.."

she looked at him with so much fear in her voice, shaking her head as if something she doesn't want to happen is about to occur.

"i don't wanna see him, taehyung.. i don't wanna see him."

a tear fell from taehyung's eyes when he stared at her miserable state. he couldn't help but to hug her tight and keep her in his warm arms to comfort her.

"i won't let him come near you, or any other people you don't want to be with, i promise.." he soothed while carressing her hair softly, trying to relax her.

"i don't wanna see him.." she repeated in a lower voice. "please don't leave me.."

taehyung bit his lower lip to held his emotions at this time.

they both stayed in that postion for almost threee minutes or more, until he decided to scoop jisoo in his arms to lift her up as jisoo hugged him tight and snuggled in his neck while still whimpering.

he brought her at her bed as he tried to move away to wipe her dried tears left on her face.

taehyung sighed in relief when he watched her slowly calming down and drifting into sleep while he was carressing her soft face.

he can still hear her soft sobs and how she was whispering him to not leave her. taehyung doesn't know why his heart breaks so much just by seeing her in that kind of state.

how jisoo suffered earlier made him want to protect and take care of her, no matter what happen.

and he swear, he'll keep his promise to her.


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