25 | leaving

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"you do realize he'd fucking kill us if he'll know about this, don't you?" yoongi asked her the same question for the nth time and jisoo's answers were just giggles.

"he won't come after you if you won't tell him, yoongi," she said after a minute of silence. she looked back only to see yoongi staring longingly at her, sighing.

"i'd hate you for this," he said in all honestly.

"i know," jisoo answered. "but i have to do this," she finished what she was doing before finally going out from her room followed by yoongi. both of them went down only to receive a glare from the one and only kim taehyung.

"what are you two doing up there?" his brows almost collied because of how annoyed he was. yoongi just rolled his eyes and skipped past them to enter the kitchen while jisoo laughed out loud.

"nothing important," she replies before grabbing taehyung's hand. "come on, let's eat! this would be our last dinner together!"

but taehyung once again snapped and creased his forehead. "last dinner together, for now! only for now chu! you know i'd still be back here every holidays or maybe every month-"

"alright, shh," jisoo chuckles. "lower down your voice, tae! our neighbors could be sleeping already!"

"stop making me panic, jisoo! makes me wanna rip my ticket and not go anywhere!" he hissed causing jisoo to shake her head and hold his hand once again.

"don't say that, you know i'd still push you to go and pursue your dreams-"

"you're my dream," taehyung looked directly into her eyes.

"and my dream for you is to achieve everything after all of those hardworks you've done. you deserve this, taehyung," she smiled, eyes even starting to look like cresent moons.

"i deserve you."

then they heard someone clearing his throat. "okay yeah anyway can you two stop flirting? it's getting late and all of us are hungry already!" they heard seokjin groaned in annoyance, the other boys including lisa standing behind his back, waiting for them too.

"hyung why do you always have to ruin our moment?" taehyung hissed jokingly which caused the others to laugh at him. seokjin made faces in reply before heading towards the kitchen. "let's just eat!"

"i want to talk to you nonstop until i'll have no more time left," taehyung softly says right after lying down beside jisoo, who was just staring at the lovely countless stars above her.

"stop saying that, tae," she sighed heavily. "we'll talk everyday. every minute or every hour if that's what you'd like. this isn't temporary, we can get through this-"

"i don't want to live far from you," he mumbled honestly, facing jisoo and using his right arm as his pillow. he stared at jisoo's perfect side face, wanting to picture everything that reminds him of her.

"taehyung.." she started, after minutes of silence and their heavy breathings were the only sound they could hear.

"hm?" he hums.

"i think i need this too.." biting her lower lip, she followed, "i.. i want to be independent, tae.. i want to try everything alone-"

"am i.. am i making you feel like you're locked up?" he then started to bomber her with questions as his eyes panicked. jisoo was fast to face him and hold his face as softly as she could, causing taehyung to stop abruptly.

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