12 | fight

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he haven't slept even just for an hour. it's already dawn and there he is, just staring at jisoo who's finally at peace, sleeping.

taehyung didn't even bother to return back since yesterday and answer his hyungs' calls who's been calling him for hours.

he remained quiet and sighed heavily, not knowing what to do.

earlier, he couldn't help himself but to tear up when jisoo begged him not to leave her. he wasn't just in pain too, he's mad at yoongi for unknowingly making jisoo feel helpless like this.

he should've take it slow. he grunted in his mind. if he really do care for jisoo, he shouldn't have done this to her.

in just a span of two minutes, jisoo slowly woke up with her eyes still swollen.

"why are you already awake?" he asked her worriedly.

"i don't know," she reached for her comforter and suddenly placed it on top of taehyung who's resting on her snowbound barrel chair.

"why didn't you go home?" she asked in a soft voice, sitting infront of him.

taehyung smiled at her sweet gesture, despite of him wanting the one who'll take care of her.

"i'm not leaving you here alone," he replied in a more serious tone.

"i can take care of myself," she smiled, yet it didn't reached her eyes. "i'm used to this."

"what?" he creased his forehead, clenching his jaw. "if the boys always let you handle yourself in this kind of situation, well you gotta know that i ain't like them."

jisoo pouted and played with her fingers. "i don't want them to see my pain-"

"then i won't allow you to do that to me," he said with much authoraty in his voice, enough for jisoo to purse her lips and not answer anything.

"jisoo.." he called her name while trying to reach for her hand even with the blanket wrapped around his body. "look, i don't want you to own that pain. if you could give that to me just to lessen it then i'd gladly accept it. i don't want seeing you suffer alone, alright?"

jisoo avoided his gaze, trying to remove her hands from him. "you won't stay that long. you'll leave us, remember?"

"i can cancel everything there and live here. i can work and stay here, if that's the only choice so i take care of you."

"tae, i'm not a kid," jisoo irritatedly answered, not liking the idea of taehyung giving everything up. "i don't wanna look weak, i don't want you to suffer either-"

"i know," he softly mumbles, carresing her hands using his thumb to calm her down. "i just want to, alright? please let me.."

jisoo sighed in disbelief and just nodded slowly at him. because knowing taehyung, he won't stop annoying her until she'll agree to whatever he wants.

"great," taehyung replied and removed the blanket to wrap it back to jisoo. "now go back to sleep, you need to rest."

"but i slept for so many hours now," she replied and rolled her eyes jokingly at him. "you're the one who should rest, taehyung. you haven't slept ever since we returned from vacation."

"i will," taehyung bend down to kiss her forehead smoothly, before fixing the blanket around her body. "later."

jisoo bit the inside of her cheeks to stop herself from blushing, but it wasn't even a help. a pinkish shade showed up on her cheeks making taehyung smile a little at her adorable reaction.

taehyung slowly opened their house. he decided to go home for a while to change his clothes and to take a bath and we'll return back to jisoo's house immediately.

he doesn't want her to wake up noticing that no one's beside her, so he hurried up and walked inside.

"i'm actually shocked knowing you still went home," a voice was heard at the living room.

there goes yoongi, sitting at the sofa, drinking a beer. "enjoyed staying there, taehyung?" he smirked.

taehyun clenched his jaw and walked near him, still calming his self to hurt his hyung. "what the hell is your problem?"

yoongi stood up to face him as he snickered and titled his head. "i should be the one asking you that. why the fuck are you meddling with jisoo?"

this time, it was taehyung who smirked and took a step forward. "why do you care? didn't you leave her already? haven't you realized that you, as her one and only reliable friend, left her?"

yoongi clenched his jaw and even his fist. he pushed taehyung with all his strenght and yelled at him. "you don't know anything, kim taehyung! fucking keep your nose out of stuffs that doesn't concern you!"

"now look who's talking," taehyung scoffed and annoyingly glanced at yoongi. "aren't you the one doing that? suddenly coming back to tell some bullshits right infront of jisoo-"

"hell yeah.." yoongi chuckled and clicked his tongue while glaring at taehyung. "you wanna know my story?"

"i don't give a damn-"

"i was her only friend," he mouthed it deep for taehyung to hear it. he glared at him back but yoongi continued to talk. "i'm the only one who understands her. who talks to her. who's willing to do anything-"

"not anymore," taehyung even mocked, making yoongi frown. he grabbed taehyung's colar and gripped on it tight.

"listen, asshole.. i didn't know.. i didn't know that my best friend.." he started to became serious, while taehyung was just trying to remove yoongi's hands in his colar, still throwing him a glare. "was his brother.."

holy fuck. taehyung mumbled inside his head and stopped. his fist tightened and he was just so ready to punch yoongi.

"and then how she ignored me right after that. she locked herself on her room for many days-"

"damn you!" taehyung shouted and his fist landed on yoongi's face in just a speed of light. yoongi was almost thrown at the floor as the bottle of beers are all around him, but he remained sitting there, as if his younger friend didn't hit him. "just damn you!"

"i can't just take that blow," yoongi still mumbled, and taehyung suddenly saw the unshed tears on his eyes. "the girl i fucking love is afraid of me.."

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