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as soon as the police arrived and once again arrested jisoo's brother and his friends, they instantly rushed taehyung to the hospital leaving jungkook, seokjin and jisoo behind to follow.

it was too dark and cold outside, and jungkook wanted jisoo to go home and rest but him knowing her, she wouldn't leave not knowing if taehyung's fine, and so they were fast to enter the hospital.

"kim taehyung?" seokjin asked the nurse in the front desk. his fingers tapped the table nervously, while the nurse immediately replied.

"he's still on the emergency room," she responded. "but your friends are on the left wing, you have to stay and wait there until the doctor will be finished checking mr. kim."

jisoo rushes to the left wing followed by jungkook who called her to slow down. seokjin nodded at the nurse before leaving. "thank you."

on the left side of the hospital, they saw the rest of the boys sitting down on the cold ground, not even minding using the seats given for them.

"jisoo!" jimin stood up and run to meet the girl walking towards them. jisoo gasped as soon as she saw blood stains on jimin's white shirt, but his chest covered her eyes when he hugged her tight.

"thank goodness you're safe!"

"how is he?" seokjin asked namjoon, his hair was ruffled and his leather jacket was just placed on his side. "i-i don't know, he lost conciousness when that fucking man kicked him hard on the-"

namjoon was shaking when he tried to explain, but yoongi stopped him knowing jisoo was there listening, tears already pooling her eyes.

"he's going to be okay," hoseok mumbled. "let's just wait.."

jungkook once again went near his noona to hug her sideways while she kept sobbing on jimin's chest. she then asked the boys a question, "what about the guys who violated him?"

"you mean your brother-"

"he's not my brother-" jisoo's lips started to shake trying to cut namjoon's words. she was too angry at the man namjoon mentioned that she could even feel her jaw tightening and her grip on jimin's shirt shaking.

"he's going to rot in jail," yoongi answered, completely mad. "and he'll fucking regret doing this to us."

"hush down now, can we?" jungkook mumbled nervously to the older ones and so seokjin just nodded and eyed the other boys.

jimin nonstop carressed jisoo's back to keep her relax as they waited for almost another 15 minutes for the doctor to come.

"relatives?" he asked, wiping the blood from his hands safely.

"we're his friends-"

"family." jisoo cut yoongi off and looked at the doctor who just nodded at her before starting to explain taehyung's situation.

"he's fine," he started. "we moved him to a room because he still needs to stay here for a day or two. he got bruises and scratches treated already but.."

he sighed. "a painful bone fracture happened on one of his ribs. we assumed that the attacker kicked him hard on that particular spot which made him a little unwell. the outer part was still swelling so we have to wait until the pain would stop, until we have to assure you that it was already fix and just needs time to heal."

"thank you," seokjin exhaled deeply. "thank you so much."

"you're very much welcome. he's in room 103 now." he bowed down a little before leaving, and all of them rushed towards the particular hospital room the doctor have mentioned.

"hold up," jimin mumbled, causing them to groan. "i think it's better if tae and jisoo would talk privately first."

"what?" jungkook hesitated, and they saw jisoo half heartedly agreeing to jimin's suggestion.

"but we have to check him first-" namjoon was about to protest, but seoljin interrupted him.

"jimin's right. and the doctor already said he's fine, there's no need to be worried.." he nodded at jisoo and jimin, before looking up at hoseok who stated quiet and just nodded.

jungkook once again mumbled, "but-"

"damn, right," namjoon agreed. "he needs jisoo, alright. we'll wait here outside, if that's what you mean."

jisoo sighed in relief and smiled at them sadly. "i'll be fast." the boys nodded and jungkook just smiled back before walking towards the chairs.

jisoo opened the door lightly and soft, and there she saw taehyung patiently waiting for her. his smile light up like a relief when he saw jisoo entering the room.

she ran fast to him before sitting down at the side of the bed, since it was too big for taehyung. the boys sat down quietly outside of the room while they waited for jisoo to talk to taehyung.


"you're safe," he mumbled. "thank god you're safe.." his breathing was heavy, his chapped lips forced to open as he mouthed those words, and jisoo couldn't help but to feel guilty more.

"of course i am," she whimpered in pain. "you should worry about your own self, tae! i'm so sorry he did this to you, he deserve to die-"

"shh, let's not just talk about him, please?" he mumbled and raised his right hand to carress jisoo's cheeks softly.

"but tae, he almost killed you! what if yoongi didn't see-"

"jisoo, please," taehyung pleaded in a low voice. "don't talk about him, i just need you right now.. please.."

she bit her lower lip hard when taehyung motioned her to come closer and hug him. she didn't respond when taehyung moved a little to the side slowly for her to have a bigger space.

"jisoo," he called her again soothingly. "come closer please.. i badly need you right now."

and when jisoo did, taehyung smiled widely at her, before hugging her sideways tight yet gently. jisoo hesitated to hug him back, but taehyung was fast to answer the question in her mind. "can you hug me? ...will you?"

so she hugged him slowly, her arms wrapped around his waist carefully not to hurt him, and taehyung just really demanded to have what he wanted. "a bit more tight, jisoo.."

and she hugged taehyung tighter, all of her emotions finally giving up when she rested her head on the top of his chest and she felt his small and tender kisses on her forehead. she cried and cried but not because she's sad and mourning, but because she finally felt safe and relaxed.

she finally felt home.

always sorry for not updating much 🥺💖
i owe u guys a lot for waiting.

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