13 | truth

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"hyung!" jungkook's voice echoed around the whole house. slamming of doors was heard and at that moment, taehyung knew all of them are already awake.

"what the fuck is happening?" namjoon exclaimed and ran towards them.

"you little shits! what do you think you're doing?!" seokjin exclaimed out loud and pushed taehyung away from yoongi.

hoseok helped yoongi to stand up but he just squatted his arms away. jimin decided to distant taehyung away from him and so did jungkook did to yoongi.

"are you out of your mind, taehyung? are you crazy?!" jimin gritted his teeth while whispering those to taehyung, who's still glaring at yoongi.

"if this guy will stay here longer, then i will," taehyung pointed yoongi and snickered, enough for namjoon to come closer and put his hand down.

"don't point at him," he mumbled in a relax tone while still trying to figure out what happened. "that's disrespectful."

taehyung sighed heavier than earlier as he squatted jimin's hand on his shoulder. he couldn't believe what's happening and withdrawed his dark gaze to yoongi who's now listening to jungkook's whispers.

"aren't you thinking at all?" jin exclaimed and clenched his jaw. "do you think jisoo would be happy if she sees us like this?!"

"jisoo noona.." jungkook mumbled upon hearing her name from seokjin, as if it reminded him of his worry  about jisoo. he glanced at taehyung immediately and pursed his lips. "how's jisoo noona, hyung? why did you leave her this early?"

the latter relaxed a bit when jungkook mentioned jisoo's name. he took a step back and sighed again but this time, in relief. "she's fine. she's taking a rest and i just wanted to change clothes and comeback there."

he suddenly heard yoongi snickered which made him turn his head to the older one. hoseok facepalmed and whispered a, "oh shoot, here we go again."

yoongi took a step forward that  made seokjin and namjoon panic again. they kept their places in between the two so none of them can reach each other.

"why do you always meddle with jisoo?" yoongi asked in a sarcastic tone, enough for taehyung to be the one who place a smirk on his lips this time.

"and why do you care?" he fired back, making jimin growl again.

"taehyung, shut the fuck up. you know he's just this sensitive when it comes to jisoo. don't level his goddamn temper," jimin had enough, making seokjin and hoseok nod in agreement before yoongi can even answer.

seokjin took a deep breath before starting to lecture the two. "for god's sake! you both are going ballistic just because of a girl-"

taehyung shook his head. "no hyung, you know jisoo isn't just a girl, she's more than that!"

"i know, tae! but you can't just both argue everytime jisoo is the topic! can't we all just agree that we have to protect her and keep her away from danger, and that's all! deal with it and don't make it hard for all of us!" he explained in anger while glaring at yoongi and taehyung who just keeps on throwing a scowl to each other.

"no," yoongi remained cold and firm. "i'm going to protect her on my own fucking way-"

"so that explains why you're friends with her brother, huh?" taehyung smirked but deep down inside, everyone inside the house knew he's already controlling his anger.

"hyung.." jungkook called him silently. "you knew about her story?"

everyone glanced at him, making him stiffen on his place. taehyung looked away, not sure whether to tell them that he knows of not, because he knows it wasn't his secret to tell.

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