17 | damage

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"jisoo!" yoongi who was behind taehyung screamed louder than the noises coming out from the speakers.

"fuck!" taehyung then, who was frozen when he kicked the door, yelled loud when the rest entered the kitchen. "damn you!"

jisoo's brother was now aware of the scenario so he was fast to crawl far from them, leaving jisoo's upper body bare with only her underwear shown.

jungkook and jimin sighed in relief when she saw her pants was still closed. jungkook instantly went to his noona and removed his jacket to cover her. "noona!" wet tears started to flow down on his face while looking at her low state. "noona, we're here!"

"jisoo, stop crying please.. you're safe, we're now here." jimin started soothing her but he got cut off when he heard a body groaning in pain. they saw taehyung beating the shit out of her brother while yoongi and seokjin was stopping them so jimin decided to help him.

"taehyung!" he grabbed taehyung's hand that landed on the man's face. his hard punch wasn't even enough for him so he tried again after.

yoongi growled in pain when taehyung elbowed his face. "taehyung calm the fuck down!"

"hoseok, take a grip at that dirty man!" seokjin ordered but hoseok was too scared to come near them. namjoon hissed and went closer to hold both of jisoo's brother's arms.

taehyung was still unstoppable. he couldn't stop himself from hurting the guy for what he did to jisoo. yoongi was sure angry too but he was just stopping himself from hurting anyone that may cause more problems.

yoongi had enough and pushed taehyung away before mumbling a hard, "cut this shit, jisoo fucking needs you!"

seokjin noticed the emotion went pass through yoongi's eyes but it wasn't just the right time to investigate and confront him. he sighed heavily watching yoongi who's trying his best to stop from coming near jisoo, because he knows he might hurt her more.

that was when taehyung stopped and remembered jisoo's state. he turned his head back to check her and he saw her in jungkook's arms, shivering.

"kook.." she whispered so weak as she started to cry in rivers again.

"jisoo.." taehyung was also shaking when his hands reached for jisoo. he held her arms so gently when the girl in jungkook's arms was just whimpering in so much pain. "shh.. we're here.."

yoongi, who is now on his turn to face his old friend, grabbed his collar and gripped on it. his face was now full of bruises and theside of his lips and his left cheek was bleeding too.  "you have no goddamn rights to lay even just your disgusting fingers to jisoo."

seokjin and hoseok called a police right away. jimin was keeping yoongi in his place if ever he might still try to reach for jisoo's brother, while namjoon and seokjin was holding him tight if he even think of escapingㅡ because they would never let him do it.

other people inside the café had no idea of what was happening, other than lisa who was crying and the girl who locked her inside the kitchen.



jisoo looked up to the both of them. "i wanna go home.." her soft voice was eaten by her sound of crying when she tried reaching for the two of them to hold onto.

"yes," taehyung nodded before gritting his teeth, still fuming mad, but trying to remain calm infront of a weak jisoo. "we will go home. we'll get you out of here."

jungkook helped jisoo to stand up and hold her tight. taehyung's fist was still clenching, while gazing at her brother, when he saw how jisoo couldn't even stand up because of her knees was shaking too much, that jungkook even decided to  carry her weak body.

"hyung," he called namjoon and hoseok. "will you please be with jungkook and accompany her home? i would be the one who'll fix this. jimin and yoongi hyung might not handle it right away-"

"but jisoo needs you, hyung," jungkook cut him off and took a deep breath as he watched his noona keeping herself safe while jungkook was carrying her.

namjoon nodded. "he's right. besides, the cops are coming. we'll be the one who'll take care of this and just contact us if you need help."

taehyung heaved out a sigh when he saw how mad they are too. he shook his head and mumbled, "no, just please take care of her hyung.." he glanced at jisoo's brother who couldn't even move any muscles because of how taehyung almost murdered him earlier. "i need to see how this man will live in jail."

"fine," hoseok answered. "we'll call you fast if she's fine already."

lisa swallowed hard before realizing that she needs to take an action too. she raised a hand and so namjoon and hoseok looked at her. "i'll tell everyone we had an emergency and this party is over. i don't want them to see jisoo unnie like this.."

they both nodded and lisa turned to ran to tell everyone what they need to do. a little bit confuse, namjoon and hoseok saw a girl behind lisa who also ran away without saying something.

when the café was clear, lisa signaled jungkook to take out jisoo and go to the car. the two boys followed while yoongi, who's now calm down, went to seokjin to help jisoo's brother lock down.

when taehyung saw the boys leaving together with jisoo, he then tried his best again to reach for the bloody man. "shit!" jimin was almost thrown out but still managed to hold taehyung behind because he was afraid he might kill him unintentionally.

"taehyung, that's enough!" both seokjin and yoongi stopped him and so taehyung moved back. "this fucker needs to learn!"

"and what are you going to do? kill him?" jimin grunted in a low voice.

taehyung removed jimin's arms that's stopping him and moved back. "fine!" he raised both of his hands that was signaling them that he'll calm down now.

he saw jisoo's brother glard at him angrily before whispering a, "you'll fucking regret this."

and so, taehyung punched him again real hard that he even lost his conciousness and fell down on the floor. seokjin and jimin sighed and shook their heads in disbelief.

yoongi groaned. "you're a big dumb, don't you know that?"

"and he's a rapist, don't you know that?"

"i think this is enough," seokjin commented after he was done tying the arms of the unconcious brother of jisoo.

they have been there for almost 10 minutes or more but the polices aren't even coming for their whole life's sake.

"what the fuck takes them long to come here?" yoongi scowled. taehyung and jimin remained in silence while trying to contact the boys but none of them answers.

"the cops are finally here," lisa suddenly said, standing near the door.

"jesus!" seokjin exclaimed. "you scared me!"

lisa shrugged and then panic was written all over her face for a second. "but we have one more problem."

"what is it?" jimin answered. "lisa, what is it?" he repeated, when he saw lisa biting her lips and was scared to continue.

"jisoo unnie.."

taehyung and yoongi was now alarmed. taehyung walked towards the girl and asked her, "what happened to her? didn't they successfully bring her to the house?-"

"she locked herself in her room."

"oh, fuck, no."

really really sorry for the late late update!! i know i promised to update the last day but i couldn't finish it, unfortunately. so i hope i could follow this one an another chapter so i can make it up to you guys. anyways thank you for supporting bravery!! let's all be strong and tough for jichu!

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