02 | story

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"jisoo noona suffers from depression. and most of the time, she have panic attacks and anxiety attacks.."

cold began crawling inside taehyung's heart upon hearing jungkook. he remained silent as he stared at the girl who's busy talking to a costumer, taking their orders.

it was his second day and seokjin was out to fetch namjoon.

the two decided to go at the café and watch jisoo until she's done. and at the same time, jungkook agreed that he'll tell something about her since taehyung had heen pleading him to answer his questions ever since yesterday.

"have you seen her dealing with that kind of pain?" taehyung glanced at jungkook and looked back to jisoo again.

"as what i've said hyung, most of the time."

taehyung's jaw dropped. he creased his forehead and asked jungkook, "so what do you do when you witness it?"

he shrugged. "nothing, hyung. we can't do nothing. we can only watch her cry and suffer, she'll go at her bed weakly and hug herself until she'll fall asleep."

taehyung shook his head. "that's absurd."

"i know," jungkook sighed and glanced at taehyung. "one night, we tried to help her, but she just locked herself inside her room. the next day, she apologized and said that she can only calm down if she's alone.."

"she can do that?" taehyung asked.

"maybe, hyung. but she's been drinking too much pain reliever and sleeping pills instead of her real medicine.."

"one more question," taehyung mumbled and jungkook nodded, waiting for his response. "what's with her and yoongi hyung? why do you always watch her if she'll drink her medicines and will report it to yoongi hyung?"

jungkook titled his head on the side. "first of, we don't really do it for yoongi hyung. five of us had been wanted to take care of jisoo noona even though she's hard to be close with. watching her drink her medicine and always check on her, can be our only way to help her if ever something bad will happen."

taehyung bit his lower lip. "you mean all of you always observe her?"

he nodded and looked at the counter. "yeah.. we felt like in that way, we can make her feel better. knowing she have someone like us to protect her, she'll never feel alone."

"you didn't answer my question. what's with her and yoongi hyung?"

jungkook sighed. "one day we saw them talking and then yoongi hyung began smiling from ear to ear ever since that happened. typical conversations of friends, just like that. then one night jisoo noona had an attack, yoongi hyung couldn't help himself and ran towards jisoo noona's house to help her. but.. we don't know what happened next, yoongi hyung came back at the house with sadness written all over his face, then they never really talked after that." jungkook began explaining.

"few weeks after, yoongi hyung moved to another town but still ordered us to protect and never leave jisoo noona."

"but why does she still look shy towards you both? aren't she supposed to be close with you by now?"

he chuckled and shook his head. "we're close hyung. it's just that, that's jisoo noona's personality. she's so introvert and shy but trust me, when she's in the mood, she can literally win over me in wrestling."

taehyung scoffed and rolled his eyes. "she looks so awkward with you."

"hah! that's what you think! she's so close with hoseok hyung and jimin hyung!" jungkook reasoned out.

"and not with you," taehyung stuck out his tongue and laughed. jungkook rolled his eyes and continued sipping on his iced coffee.


jisoo's voice was heard and they both looked back. she's already in her plain white sweatshirt and black pants, with her purple sling bag, she stood there shyly.

"hi.." she mumbled and looked at taehyung, cheeks began burning red.

'oH mY gOd sHe's soOoO cUteEe.'

"hi," taehyung replied back with his face filled with happiness and joy.

"do you want to come with me? i just got my salary earlier, let's eat outside?" she asked them both.

"oh, uh.."

"i'll treat you both," jisoo smiled at them.

"really, noona?! deal!" jungkook stood up and clapped his hands happily like a kid.

taehyung protested. "what? no, jisoo-ssi! it's okay! we'll go with you but no need to treat us!"

jungkook laughed. "aw, not with those shyness, hyung! jisoo noona will probably insist it. see you guys at my car!" jungkook ran outside leaving jisoo and taehyung standing infront of each other awkwardly.


"jisoo. just call me jisoo," jisoo looked up to him because he's way more taller than her then she smiled, eyes began sparkling as she showed her perfect and outstanding smile to him.


"where do you wanna eat?" jisoo asked them both after the long, awkward silence and jungkook was the only one blabbering like a gun.

"anywhere.." taehyung replied.

"how about there?" jungkook suggested at the nearest fast food chain they saw after jungkook parked his car.

"you guys are okay with that?"

they both nodded. taehyung head out first before looking around.

"ah!" jungkook stretched his legs. "it's so windy, i love it here!"

"then from now on, live here."

jungkook began throwing taehyung a deathly glare before trying to headlock him. "hah! who said i can never do this again?!"

"you dumbass! let go!" taehyung started shouting. "i can't breathe! let go kid!"

"no no no hyung!" jungkook stuck out his tongue.

taehyung protested and tried it to jungkook too not until they heard jisoo laughing quietly.

"what was that?" jungkook raised his head when he noticed taehyung stopped. he looked at jisoo who's still laughing and taehyung who's now looking at her.

"your bromance is so cute," jisoo mumbled and pursed her lips to control her laughter again.

"wha- you laughed?! you really laughed?" jungkook asked jisoo jokingly and raised his hand to give jisoo a high-five.

'i literally had the same question..' taehyung whispered and smiled purely at her.

"i didn't thought you can do that to taehyung," jisoo commented.

he smirked. "but i can too," then started holding jungkook's neck and gripped on it.

"yah- hyung! let go!"

until taehyung heard jisoo's shy laughs again that made him smile because of satisfaction.

'yeah taehyung, you just made jisoo laugh.. great job.' he whispered in his head.

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