14 | only one

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jungkook sighed for the nth time, after checking jisoo's windows that has been kept closed for about two days.

they haven't heard anything from her ever since she ran away from their house. they only once made sure she's safe and fine when they saw her garbages outside that's supposed to be picked up yesterday. although they didn't see her, they do know that she's still okay.

"jungkook," taehyung called him. "for god's sake, leave my room now. you've been staying there at the window for about two days. didn't you heard what jimin said? let's wait-"

"i know her, hyung," he whispered in a low voice. "i know she's really mad and hurt from what she've heard from us. i know we can't just come close to her and apologize.."

"i miss her," taehyung replied back in a softer voice. jungkook glanced at him and slowly nodded.

"me too, hyung." jungkook mumbled. "you think she's fine?"

"she will. she's strong, i know," he lay down on his bed and sighed, hoping for jisoo to sleep and rest in her own room as of the moment.

"well atleast we can finally see her tomorrow. she needs to go to her work," jungkook stood up and closed taehyung's window. "goodnight, hyung."

"goodnight, dumbass. don't think too much, she'll be fine," taehyung tried to brighten up the mood as jungkook just growled at him.

"there she is," jimin whispered, hiding on one of the bushes together with taehyung, jungkook and jin in a very early morning.

"hyung, keep quiet," jungkook mumbled as he followed jisoo walking slowly on the sideroad.

taehyung hissed. "tch. she should've took a cab and not just walk around this early! who knows-" jin covered taehyung's mouth to stop him from whining as jisoo was already walking near their hiding spot.

"where's yoongi anyway?"

seokjin shrugged his shoulders. "he left early. hoseok and namjoon went out to find him."

taehyung once again rolled his eyes out of annoyance. "don't tell me he's following jisoo again-"

"tae, shut your goddamn mouth or jisoo would notice us!" jimin shrieked in a small voice as he shush taehyung down.

"she's far. let's go follow her," jungkook stood up and walked slowly but surely.

seokjin hissed at taehyung. "go back to the house if you can't keep yourself from talking-"

"why are we doing this anyway? i shouldn't be with you right now because i'm not even into the mess you all created but now i'm taking the blame just because jisoo thought i was the one who told you about it-"

seokjin clicked his tongue and pushed taehyung away. "yah, don't you think you're being too disrespectful now?"

jimin instantly went between the two. he was stopping seokjin to come closer while taehyung just smirked.

"yah, yah, yah! shut it!" jimin grimaced. "what the hell guys?!"

"i'm just stating a fact, hyung. yoongi was the one to blame here-"

"hyungs, what are you doing?! stop this nonsense and let's just follow jisoo noona!" jungkook came back to fetch them and was absolutely annoyed at their actions.

jin shook his head in disappointment at taehyung and walked fast to leave them.

"now it's my fault again," taehyung mumbled under his breath and jimin could only sigh, hoping for jisoo to talk to them.

the four entered the cafe without much people because it's still too early for the others to go around and order something on the cafe. they only saw a couple and a man seating at the side.

"you go call someone and tell her our order, jungkook. if jisoo will not the one who'll come, then let's go at the counter," seokjin suggested and the youngest guy nodded. jimin and taehyung sat down and looked at jisoo who's now a little bit uncomfortable, probably because she saw the boys entering the cafe.

"jisoo noona!" jungkook called out loud making jin and jimin groan.

"you're supposed to call someone or anyone, jungkook! not her! don't make it too obvious that we're only here to talk to her!"

"stop slapping my head, hyung!" jungkook responded. "and i'm sure jisoo noona knows that we wants to talk to her. why not make it to the point?!" he rolled his eyes and turn around to scream jisoo's name again.

"no, no. stop it, jungkook," taehyung joined in. "let's call someone. just look at how uncomfortable she is especially when you called her."

they all glanced at jisoo who sudddnly entered the kitchen without looking back to them.

jimin bit the inside of his cheek, desperately stopping himself to come closer to jisoo and talk to her. "damn, i hate this."

"who doesn't?" seokjin grimaced.

"hi, do you want me to get your orders now?" someone from behind asked them. they all looked at the side of jimin and a girl was standing there, smiling brightly at them.

"uh.. who are you?" jungkook even asked her, making jimin elbow him.

"oh! am i supposed to introduce my name? i'm sorry, i'm new to this cafe!" she showed her heart warming smile to them as she placed her hair back to show them her small nametag. "by the way, i'm lisa!"

"uh.. nice to meet you, lisa-ssi," seokjin awkwardly greeted her.

"do you, uh, perhaps.. met jisoo already?" taehyung couldn't help but to ask the new girl working on the cafe.

she smiled excitedly. "yep! actually, she told me to go here and take your orders because she said she's not feeling well-" lisa covered her mouth to stop her from talking right after she realized she shouldn't be telling it to the costumers.

taehyung clenched his fist tightly.

"i'm sorry, i'm so sorry! i'm being so talkative i forgot to take your orders-"

"no, no. it's okay, we're jisoo's friends. it's fine telling us," jimin smiled innocently at her.

lisa creased her forehead and slowly nodded. "oh uhm.. okay? so.. can i take your orders now?"

jin answered first. "matcha cake and iced tea."

lisa chimed. "lucky you, sir! you got the first piece of our matcha cake!" she pointed the green circled-shape on the counter and winked.

jungkook and the two ordered their choices too and waited for it to be served. lisa waved a goodbye to them before going back to the kitchen.

but taehyung, being so wary about the people around jisoo, followed lisa towards the kitchen, which made the three just look at him and watch what he's doing.

"i knew it," taehyung mumbled and clenched his jaw, before opening the door and rushing inside.

"hyung!" jungkook called him as taehyung heard the three running towards them too.

it was jisoo, panting so hard and lisa panicking as she started to open jisoo's bag to find her medicines. but taehyung was just too fast and quick to grab jisoo into his hand and make her relax.

and he knows.. he knows he's the only one who can do that.

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