08 | islands

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he looked up to see jisoo at the seaside waving at them. he smiled at her while the other called her name and ran towards her.

"we checked your room but you aren't there so we thought that you're here at the seaside," jimin concluded and looked at the beach.

"jisoo-yah, we slept at almost 2:00 earlier. did you slept well?" jin asked before he saw jungkook running towards jisoo.

"don't worry, i got enough rest. i just wanna see the sunrise today," jisoo replied, and pointed the sun that was slowly rising up by the hundreds of clouds just above the sea.

taehyung glanced at the sun, then to her again. damn, so pretty.

"it's our second day here so we gotta do something! what do you guys wanna do?" namjoon suggested and winked at them.

hoseok and jungkook shouted. "swim swim!" they chuckled. "yah, we need to swim too, you know?"

"alright, that's not what i like," jin commented. "namjoon and i are going to talk to the owner and ask if we can rent a yatch so we can go to different islands."

jisoo gasped. "island hopping?! let's go!" she ran back to the hotel leaving them laughing and giggling at her.

"she seems happy today, what happened yesterday anyway, taehyung?" jin smiled and looked at him.

jungkook nodded. "yeah hyung! when we came here, we ate and slept already that's why i didn't got the chance to ask you! what happened at the car?" jungkook wiggled his eyebrows at taehyung.

jimin, hoseok and namjoon was busy drawing something at the sand while the three are talking.

he shrugged his shoulders. "just making her comfortable."

"eyy~" the two reacted and teased taehyung, making him confuse.

"what?" he asked them, pursing his lips to hide his smile.

"don't tell me you snatched her heart?" jin asked him, cringing so hard because of the words he used.

"what?" taehyung exclaimed. "no, we're just-"

"getting to know each other stage, hyung," jungkook joined in and laughed.

"yah! you bastard!" taehyung tried to follow him but he ran off the hotel again.

"hey, wait for us!" thry both heard namjoon shouting but taehyung didn't stopped until he reached jungkook and headlocked him again.

"jisoo noona, you look pretty," jungkook suddenly commented as jisoo held jin's hand who helped her to go up to the yatch.

jisoo reacted and laughed. she's wearing a white off-shoulder jumpshort as her hair was tied up in a loose french braid.

"she suits white," namjoon commented and smiled at her.

taehyung nodded slowly. he couldn't utter a word as he watched jisoo slowly holding unto the railings.

"hyung, you're so whipped, calm down."

one slap at the shoulder and jungkook stopped laughing. "aw, hyung! that hurts!"

he rolled his eyes. "stop saying nonsense," he tched and looked at the waves when the yatch started to move.

"it's obvious though," he still managed to tease him, even afrer taehyung slapping him.

"don't come near me or i'd throw you away from here," taehyung replied and growled.

"alright, i'd go to jisoo noona," he winked and stuck out his tongue.

that brat. taehyung scowled and glanced at jungkook running towards jisoo who's busy talking to jimin and hoseok.

he scanned the blue sea as he clearly saw the corals and the fishes below. he was amazed at how beautiful the ocean is.

"wah jisoo noona," he looked at the side and noticed jungkook reacting to jisoo who's smiling at hoseok's camera. "neoneun jinjja yeppeuda."

couldn't agree more. he thought, as he sighed and can't help but to walk towards them.

"oh!" jungkook once again chimed. "hyung! suddenly going here eh?"

"yah," seokjin joined in scowling jungkook. "stop teasing taehyung, he might got pissed and go back already."

"oh?" he glanced at jisoo who reacted. "you're not permanently staying with them?"

"ani," he shook his head. "just a vacation while waiting for the approval of my request letter for my desired company."

"i hope you'd get hired," jisoo smiled and nodded at him, while doing a little 'fighting' gesture on her hand.

"thank you," he giggled and then when he looked around, everyone was looking at them while giggling their eyebrows.

"alright, he'll get hired, i swear. if jisoo said it, then he will," jimin broke the silence and chuckled.

"agree," namjoon followed. "she's our lucky charm."

"yah," jisoo once again smiled. "you all are my lucky charm too."

"aye~" all of them giggled, making her laugh.

"taehyung-ah, your birthday is coming!" hoseok then unexpectedly cheered, while pushing taehyung slightly.

"yeah, still a boring day for me," he replied and smirked.

"aigoo, jisoo's birthday is coming too!" jimin followed and wrapped his arm around jisoo's shoulder.

oh wow. he thought. calm down, taehyung. they're close so he can do it. you aren't so don't even think about doing it too.

"wah! just four days apart!" jin concluded and brushed the two's hair.

"hyung!" he chuckled when he saw jisoo protesting that her hair was ruined as he took a step back so jin can stop doing it.

"guys!" they all looked up to jungkook who's now pointing the first island they'd check.

"wow," he heard jisoo mumbling. "it's so pretty.."

"let's go, let's go!" jungkook was cheering so loud that hoseok even started covering his mouth to stop him.

"block his mouth, hyung," jimin ordered and chuckled.


holy fuck. he then stopped on his tracks and asked his self if he heard it right. did jisoo just called him by his cute name that was given by jungkook? what was that?

taehyung looked back and see jisoo stretching out her hand. "can you help me go down?"

goodness. he sighed deeply. i feel like i'm dying now.

he smiled and nodded. "sure!"

he grabbed her hand softly and helped her go down as he heard jin and jungkook's wild squeals. he was about to shut them up but jisoo suddenly squished his cheeks and ran towards jimin and hoseok before saying something that made his face turn to color red more.

"thanks! you've been blushing ever since we entered the yatch. i think you got sunburned, tae."

if only you knew. taehyung almost roll his eyes. he chuckled and shrugged it off before walking beside namjoon to enjoy the view.


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