06 | secrets

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"tell me something about yourself," taehyung stood straight beside her as he watched her glanced back at the blue sea, almost making her eyes shine because of the reflection of it.

she hummed. "i'm afraid."

he glanced at the ocean, then to her again.

it was the same.

same feeling he felt while looking at the two masterpiece of god.

she's deep as ocean, mysterious and hard to catch, but still so beautiful to look at.

"i'm listening," he suddenly mumbled, gently moving closer to her.

jisoo titled her head and looked at him as she smiled, but still, it didn't reached her eyes.

"would you stay?"

he gathered air before deeply exhaling. "if you want to, then i will."

jisoo looked infront of them before slightly opening her mouth, leaving the words that made taehyung's heart beat wildly.


he smiled sadly, before nodding. "as you wish."

minutes had passed, jisoo started to sigh heavily, as she began telling him her own story.

"i got raped."

fuck. he whispered through his head.

"many times.." she continued, her voice started to quiver in fear as she started to remember her unforgetable past.

"by who?" taehyung asked her, his jaw was clenching so hard but he can't do anything.

it's too late.

"by my own brother.."

he cursed smoothly again, not trying to react something violent while she tried opening up to him.

"where is he now?" he asked her gently with a heavy breathing.

she shrugged her shoulders and wiped her tears away. taehyung noticed it and was about to help her wipe it but he stopped himself.

he wanted to learn more about her, so he better listen.

"i don't know, i ran away from home.." she replied using her small voice.

"you didn't tried saying it to your parents?" he asked her while looking at the sea.

silence bloomed. minuted had passed yet no one dared to speak again, until jisoo continued.

"i did, but they didn't believe me.." jisoo gasped by her own story. "they took the side of my brother, saying that i'm a crazy bitch and needs to stop my illusions."

"how the fuck is that even called parents?" taehyung couldn't help but to curse loudly.

jisoo smiled sadly, because that's all she can do as of now. "i left for good and i found a new home here."

"they didn't even try to find you?" call him dumb or stupid by asking her nonsense questions, but he just wants to know every little thing that is keeping jisoo from being happy.

jisoo shook her head, making taehyung clench his jaw more. "remember the man who wants to kill me? that one moment when jungkook and the rest saved me? that's my father."

pursing her lips, she cried harder. but at the same time, she couldn't help but to feel at ease. finally, after years of hiding the truth, she opened it to someone who is trustworthy.

with a warm and cozy arms, taehyung instinctively hugged jisoo by gently pulling her closer. he stroked her hair lovingly while whispering some soothing words.

"h-he tried to kill me because i ran away. he hated me because i broke my own family. he cutted me off because i put dirt on their names," jisoo continued mumbling on taehyung's chest. "he wanted me dead, taehyung.."

"shush.." he whispered. "it's alright, you're alright.."

hopelessness and loneliness can be heard on her voice. it was obviously a rough battle wherein jisoo was so close to losing.

she has a cruel world. large and deep holes are gathered around her and in one swift move, she might fall and could never recover again.

"i don't know what to do.." jisoo, despite of crying so hard, still continued talking. "all i know is i want to kill myself."

taehyung's mouth was left in awe. he couldn't process everything in his mind while he absentmindedly carress her hair.

"yet i couldn't," she followed. "i couldn't but i want to."

she clenched her fist. "because even my own body and mind wants me dead too."

he was alarmed by that. "hey, jisoo," he called her. "don't say that. don't listen to the darkness, don't follow them."

he held onto her face and lifted it up to see her. taehyung's sad smile was shown when he saw how red her cheeks, nose, and eyes were for crying so hard.

jisoo quickly shook her head before smiling back. "i won't."

he isn't satisfied. he wants assurance. "promise me?"

even before when jungkook told him what's with jisoo, he wanted to protect her. and now that he knows everything, he swear to all saints he will blame his self if something bad will happen to her.

she wiped her tears away and took a step back, calming herself after the deep conversation.

"i promise."

taehyung sighed in relief before trying to sit down at the sand. he removed his slippers and used it so jisoo can sit too.

he quickly removed his jacket too so it can cover jisoo's legs, although it's still dawn and the sun was just starting to shine.

"jin hyung and the rest..." he started. "have you told them these?"

jisoo sat down beside him before placing the jacket on her lap. she shook her head. "no.."

how about yoongi hyung? he wanted to ask, but he couldn't.


"i don't want to see sympathy in their eyes. that time, i was too afraid to open up to anyone what happened in the past."

"so you're planning to tell them about this too?" he asked her while looking at the sea.

he saw how she nodded. "if i can, maybe."

"you can," he looked at her. "you already tried to me, so you can."

"wish me luck," jisoo laughed, but her eyes were still swollen.

"do you wanna go back to the car? it's cold and i think you have to rest. we still got an hour till we reach the resort."

jisoo immediately said no. "i like it here, let's just wait for them."

she smiled while listening to the waves, and taehyung, like before, continued looking at her angelic face.


"hm?" she hummed and sighed deeply.

"thank you for trusting me," she gently whispered and tapped her hand which made jisoo turn her head to him.

"no," she smiled, and for the very first time, taehyung saw how genuine it was, that it made him feel his heart beat faster. "thank you for listening to me."

then he thanked god, because after that, the friendship he wanted started to grow more.

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