07 | christmas

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"wake up, morons!" he spitted angrily to them and threw pillows one by one.

"shut up, taehyung!" namjoon grunted. "i'm trying to sleep peacefully!"

taehyung rolled his eyes and sighed. wake up early my ass, they had been sleeping for almost six or seven hours.

when they reached the resort, they ate brunch and agreed on resting so they can prepare for their christmas eve later.

he didn't know that what they mean on the word 'rest' is to sleep for many hours! taehyung have been awake for 4:00 in the afternoon and he have been waiting for them to get ready but they're still here, lying in the bed and snoring so loudly!

he bet these dumbs jammed on the radio at the van and released their energies all the way through here.

it's almost ten in the evening and he's the only one awake, probably jisoo at the other room too.

they got the bigger room compared to jisoo's room since she's the only one there while the boys requested four beds.

the king size is for jin and jungkook. the four beds are for taehyung, hoseok, jimin and namjoon.

taehyung couldn't help but to groan more. he bet jisoo is already waiting for them.

"yah!!" he screamed more loudly. "we need to get ready, jisoo might be waiting for us!"

"f***!" jin grunted so loud. "alright! stop shouting!"

jungkook muttered small curses as he sat down on the bed and ruffled his hair.

hoseok stood up and grabbed jimin's hand to wake up without even opening his own eyes.

"i'll punch you later, taehyung," namjoon gritted his teeth and stood up to go inside the bathroom.

"try harder, hyung," taehyung chuckled and looked at them still fighting with their sanity to stay awake.

"goddamn," jimin returned to his bed. "get out yall."

"hurry up, small bean!" taehyung once again lauged. for some reason, he's happy, and he doesn't know why.

oh, don't lie about it. a voice echoed in his mind. you're happy because you remembered how jisoo trusted you.

"taehyung can you get out of the room? i'm really pissed of you, i can even punch your ass right now," seokjin instantly rolled his eyes and threw a pillow to taehyung.

jungkook nodded. "just go and check jisoo noona, hyung."

taehyung didn't even protested. he smirked and went out of the room to knock on jisoo's door.

he left them to get prepared, he's pretty sure all of them will be quick once they'll check the wall clock.

"jisoo?" he knocked on her door three times.

taehyung heard a humm and the sounds of unlocking the door. jisoo, wearing a persian maxi dress with her hair tied up in a half ponytail, looks stunning as she smiled at him. "good evening, taehyung."

damn. he thought once again. how can someone look so unreal?

"good evening," he greeted back and smiled.

wearing his red velvet button down shirt, he stood infront of jisoo's door, staring at her.

jisoo smiled widely. "you look good."

he gulped. "y-you do too."

jisoo chuckled at his sudden stuttering. she opened the door more and welcomed him at her clean hotel room.

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