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"i told you to keep an eye on her!" taehyung entered jisoo's house and saw the boys helplessly sitting on her sofa, waiting for him.

"we did, taehyung!" namjoon answered and stood up. "she just said she wanted to be alone but we didn't let her- then she locked herself!"

"we tried looking what happened through your room, but her windows are closed," hoseok said.

"hyung, please," jungkook was still crying. "talk to noona.."

yoongi heaved out a sigh and sat down, glancing at taehyung who was now looking at him. he gently pursed his lips and mumbled a, "just go.."

taehyung started running towards her room while the boys made jungkook calm down. they all waited at the living room and so seokjin called lisa to sit as they saw her nervously breathing.

"jisoo's gonna be fine," hoseok smiled. "jungkook's just dramatic."

"shut up, hyung," jungkook growled.

"jisoo?" taehyung tried knocking on the door. but all he heard is water flowing somewhere inside the room. he knocked again for five times but no one answered.

his hands was shaking badly, afraid of what jisoo had done inside, alone. he used his power to kick the door hard once again, and when it was finally opened, he entered and closed the door to check jisoo.

"jisoo?" taehyung called her. "i'm here.."

her room smells good and it was completely clean. taehyung haven't seen any shadows of jisoo until he saw the other door.

the bathroom.

he can still hear the water pouring and little sobs echoing inside the room. taehyung hurriedly opened the door, and his heart slowly shattered when he saw jisoo in her bathtub, her pants and jungkook's jacket was soaking wet while she hugs her knees, crying.

he watched her in silence as she started rubbing her own body as if she was utterly disgusted. from her hands, neck, collarbone, arms, and even her face.

taehyung decided to come closer and made his appearance. he squat down beside the bathtub and so jisoo glanced at him, her eyes swollen as the tears continued flowing.

"tae.." she whispered, before crying again. "i feel so dirty.."

"shh," he gently cooed. he was still angry at her brother and even wants to kill him, but he doesn't want to leave jisoo just like that. he tried to calm down before trying to hold her. "let's get you change, you need to stand up."

jisoo shakes her head fast before wiping her body using her hands again. "i can still feel his disgusting lips, i don't want to remember it.."

taehyung was beginning to get wet too when the water from the bathtub was slowly pouring fast out of it. he couldn't help but to hug her tight, when she couldn't stop herself from cleaning her own body.

"tae!" jisoo screamed, but her voice wasn't clean enough when her sobs was way louder. "please.."

he pursed his lips when he felt hot tears steaming down his cheeks. he couldn't bare jisoo seeing this weak again. not anymore.

it was my goddamn fault. he thought. i promised her to protect her and i swore to myself i'll never let that man come near her again, but what did i do?

"taehyung, please," jisoo once again pleaded. "i need to be alone.."

"that's enough.." he gently whispered, wiping his own tears away before letting go of the hug. "please, let's go."

"no!" she beg. "i don't wanna see him.."

"you won't-"

"i said i don't wanna see him, taehyung!" jisoo fought back. "why can't all of you think of me for once.. why do you always think i'm brave enough to face this! why do you keep on saying i could overcome this-"

"hush," he held her arm before hugging her tight again. he doesn't want to say something that might trigger jisoo's heart again, considering how she was still emotionally speaking right now.

"i don't know how all of you could always think i'd let everything pass, well in fact all i just wanted to happen right now is to vanish from this damn world!"

"jisoo!" he was alarmed. "don't say things like that.."

"tae," she called him. "please.. i don't wanna live anymore.."

"no!" he tightened his hug more. "stop mumbling nonsense things!"

"unfair.." after a moment of silence, he heard jisoo whispering in a soft voice. "taehyung, it's so unfair.. why do i have to go through this?"

"hey," he cupped her face and whispered, "i'm here. i'm still here. jungkook.. jimin.. the rest of the boys-"

jisoo chuckled in a different tone, her eyes began tearing up again. "my dad should've killed me back then.."

"jisoo, please.." he keeps on begging. "you're scaring me.. jungkook and lisa's downstairs waiting for you. stop saying that, we're here to protect you!"

she sighed in defeat before staying quiet. jisoo started blankly staring at the water that was still flowing so taehyung stood up and closed it.

"let's go, please? you'd catch a cold-"

"i was just.." she started, causing taehyung to stop from getting her towel and glanced at her. "i was just about to stay in the kitchen when i saw you and the boys. and there's this couple who happened to be there too.."

"jisoo?" he called her, but she remained telling him the story.

"i thought they were just a simple couple. but the girl suddenly left and the last thing i knew, she locked me inside together with..."

"jisoo you don't have to-"

"h-he began doing malicious things to me, tae.. i was helpless and i couldn't do anything to protect myself. i feel so useless and i didn't even had the power to escape.."

taehyung sighed when he saw her shoulders shaking again, her sobs was heard and she started pleading for help again.

he slowly made her stand up as he wrapped the towel around her body. jisoo felt dead as she couldn't even move her knees again that was slowly turning into jelly. her arms was hugging her own body as taehyung lifted her up, gently walking outside the bathroom.

"you're safe," he whispered. "i'm here, i won't let him come near you again or else i'd kill him.."

he was taken aback when he once again felt jisoo wrapping her arms around his neck. he glanced at her and he saw jisoo's eyes was shut close, her lips were quivering and her tears was still steaming down.

"don't leave me, please.."

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