05 | roadtrip

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"hyung," jungkook once again called taehyung right after jisoo sat on his passenger seat.

"goddammit jungkook. i know what will i do and i'm not just a six years old kid who'll take care of her younger sister," he declared and rolled his eyes.

jungkook sighed. the day they went to jisoo's house, jimin and hoseok planned an outing for all of them in a span of two nights and three days. since they have one car and a van, they played a game where two winners will get to choose what car they want while the rest will just fill up the spaces left. luckily, taehyung won first game, followed by jisoo.

"i'll go with the car," he simply answered and rested his head on the sofa.

but then he heard jisoo's answer. "i'll go with the car too."

he instantly opened his eyes and glanced at them. everyone was nodding as if it was just a normal answer, but for taehyung, no. hell no.

"so taehyung and jisoo will take the car then. all of us are going to the van," jin said while nodding.


and that's how it ended.

"come on, hyung. that's not what i meant. i want to say that be talkative as much as you can and don't stop talking. don't let her be in an awkward scenario because she'd be very, very hard to reach after if that will happen," jungkook whispered to him as if jisoo can hear them.

taehyung sighed and nodded before pushing jungkook away. "alright, alright! i know what to do now!"

"jungkook-ah! let taehyung know jisoo better, stop guarding our jichu!" jin shouted loud making namjoon laugh.

"i'm out," jungkook rolled his eyes before turning his back to taehyung and walking towards the van.

"yah~ taehyungie, take care of jisoo!"

"hyung shut up, we'll just behind the van," taehyung replied and shook his head.

"either way!" jimin joined in and winked at him.

"fine, fine! let's go!" he hurriedly went inside the car and closed it while still hearing the boys' protests.

"uhm.. why are they shouting so loud again?" jisoo asked him while laughing softly.

taehyung glanced at her, it's still dawn but he couldn't help but to notice how her black hair was tied up in a loose ponytail, her eyes are shining so bright from the reflection of the moon, her lips getting so red even without lipstick, and how her simple amaranth pink beach dress suits her so much.

"you look-" taehyung was about to let go the forbidden words, but he stopped his self.

"i'm sorry, what?" jisoo asked him, didn't heard what he said clearly.

-you look good. he mumbled in his head, before smiling at her.

"nothing. let's go?"

she nodded at him and looked at the van. jin started driving as they headed first followed by their car.

"i bet they're screaming their lungs out there," jisoo pointed the van infront of them.

"and hoseok hyung is playing random loud music," taehyung followed and they both laughed at that.

"we know them so well.."

then, taehyung's imaginary bulb began ligthing up as he began thinking of another topic.

"how did you get close to them anyway?"

jisoo faced the other side by looking outside the window before answering his question. "their mouths won't shut up even if i try to run away from them and reject the friendship they wanna offer." she chuckled.

he remained quiet. he knew there's still something more, so he listened again.

"they keep on following and bugging me. until one day there's this one guy who almost killed me. luckily, they were also following me that time and protected me. imagine, six guys over one?" jisoo continued before letting out a deep sigh.

"ah.. jungkook told me that story before, but he didn't said that it was because of you," taehyung then answered.

jisoo nodded. "i locked myself for a week after that."

he glanced at her. "why?"

jisoo chuckled, but still, you know that it isn't real. pure. happiness. there's pain and sorrow in her laugh.

"i don't know."

taehyung pursed his lips, waiting for jisoo's continuation but then he only felt her moving and resting her head on the window.

"taehyung-ah, i'm sleepy. can i take a nap? please just wake me up if you need to," she quickly said without waiting for her taehyung's answer and closed her eyes.

guess she's still wondering if she can trust me. he thought as he took a glance at her.

"alright.. sleep tight."

have you ever felt that feeling? wanting to help someone you don't even know wholeheartedly?

wherein you can give her happiness and peace.. right harmony and melodies..

is that even possible?

probably no. taehyung whispered in his mind. this whole situation is fucking me up.

he glanced at jisoo when the red light showed up and he stopped the car. the van was still infront of them.

he doesn't know what has gotten into his head, but he still managed to let out the words that has been running through his mind for a couple of days now.

"you'll win if you'll let me be with you when you fight your battle.."

and he knows. he knows she heard him. because jisoo closed her eyes tighter after he said it.


she woke up from the light sleep she got. taehyung was shaking her shoulders lightly to wake her up.

"a-are we here already?"

"we still got an hour," he licked his lower lip before looking at his phone. "we reached this place faster than the van. that's why they got stucked at the traffic on the last city before this town. we gotta wait for them," he looked back to her.

"oh.." she nodded and looked at the sky. the sun was just starting to shine, until she noticed that they were at the seaside. "..wow."

"wanna go out? let's grab some fresh air," taehyung smiled at her.

jisoo nodded. "let's go."

as they both walked towards the beach after taehyung locked the car, she hugged herself as the cold wind passed by.

"i like this.. so much," she mumbled under her breath and glanced at the raging waves near them.

taehyung sighed deeply and faced her. "jisoo," he called her name.

"hm?" she was too busy staring at the waves, she didn't noticed that he was staring at her too.

"tell me something about yourself."

and jisoo couldn't help but to stare back.

pls be prepared for the next chapter 😉

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