04 | sweet

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"stop it jungkook," taehyung grunted and locked his door before jungkook can even enter again.

"hyung! i need to see her!" he knocked in his door multiple times annoyingly. "come on, you know i won't stop unless you'll let me enter your room and check her!"

"i said she's fine! she's already asleep! stop bugging her!" he shouted inside his room, still annoyed of what he did to jisoo.

now, he realized that he better watch his actions carefully escpecially if he's with her. he doesn't want jisoo to feel uncomfortable whenever he's around.

deep inside, he's sure he also wanted to protect her.. from everthing that's keeping her inside her comfort zone.

jungkook didn't replied afterwards. he heard nothing outside so taehyung sighed and glanced at the window.

watching jisoo falling asleep peacefully, he went to his own bed and slept too.

"i'm sorry about last night," taehyung started right after he sat down to eat breakfast.

jungkook looked at him and nodded. "it's fine hyung. i'm sorry that i bugged you too. i'm just worried for jisoo noona."

namjoon and seokjin stayed still, watching the younger ones talk.

"i know. that's why i apologized."

"is she awake already? yoongi hyung will call any minute from now."

taehyung gritted his teeth. he doesn't know why he's pissed off with that, but he hates the fact that they have to report anything that jisoo does to yoongi.

"she's still sleeping."

namjoon titled his head on the side. "oh right, it's sunday today. she doesn't have work."

jin drank his milk. "shall we go there later?"

"and bug her again?" taehyung asked him and raised a brow.

jin shrugged his shoulders. "let's do it so it won't be awkward."

taehyung sighed and didn't answered. minutes had passed and they all heard jungkook's phone ringing.

he nodded at the three of them before standing up and leave. "you know the drill."

"here we go again," jin rolled his eyes.

taehyung looked at him. "you hate what he was doing too?"

"i always do. i just can't decline yoongi's request because that's what he had wished for before moving to another house."

namjoon joined in. "but still though, let's just let him. you know how he cares for jisoo so much. and he's also the reason why we became close to jisoo."

"why did he left anyway?" taehyung asked them before eating a bacon.

"nobody knows," jin said.

"you guys better-" jungkook was about to go back when suddenly, noises was heard at the front door and two people barged in.

"wassup guys! you missed us?!"

"who will miss a two faced mochi?!" jungkook expression changed and grunted before going back to his seat.


"hoseok hyung! jimin!" taehyung stood up and ran to hug them both. the two sunshines of the group hugged him back and then their mouths became unstoppable.

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