24 | decision

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"taehyung, you've got a letter by the way. it was sent two days ago. you haven't opened it until now?"

from what namjoon had said to him, made him froze in his own spot. he looked back to the older guy and blinked a few times. "i forgot, hyung."

is that about the..

"yeah," namjoon continued. "i think it's a message from a company? didn't payed attention to the sender. sorry," he mumbled and sipped from his cup of coffee jisoo made.

"oh?" jisoo exclaimed excitedly. "maybe it's your acceptance letter, tae!" she clapped her hands happily, waiting for taehyung to get up and open his letter.

"nah, that's impossible," he lazily answered and laid his head at the top of jisoo's right shoulder. he just snuggled closer and heard her small giggles. it was winter already that cause them to be too tired to move or even get out of the house. seven of them were all seated at the 2 sofas, watching movies all day. while yoongi and jimin were laid down at the comforter below, sleeping peacefully. they were like that for almost two hours now, falling asleep at the middle of their third movie of the day.

lisa grabbed the blanket closer to her and hugged it tight. "oppa, treat us on your first salary, alright?" she even winked and made a 'click' sound. taehyung laughed a little before shaking his head. "i can't possibly be accepted by that company-"

"as far as i can remember, you've been so eager and confident that you'd be accepted, hyung, what happened now?" jungkook followed and even nudged seokjin who remembers it.

the eldest hyung nodded. "yah, don't tell me you won't be joining the company just because of jisoo?" hoseok and jungkook had to stop laughing because of what seokjin had said. the both of them, including the others actually, glanced at taehyung, but the latter just shrugged.

"i don't mind."

jisoo may or may not have get a little annoyed of what she heard. she quickly turned her head to see him. "yah, kim taehyung."

"what?" he lazily answers and snuggled more towards her.

"let's talk," jisoo finally said, standing up and grabbing the letter namjoon had mentioned from the study table in their living room. the boys kept quiet and taehyung unwillingly followed and sighed at the image of jisoo pursing her lips, keeping herself from talking.

"you're accepted," jisoo started right after reading the letter that he could start his work next week already. namjoon was right. she glanced at taehyung- who's now clenching his jaw, keeping his eyes away from her. "and i know you know you would be. why didn't you opened it?"

taehyung remained silent. he was trying his best to open his mouth for an explanation, but he just couldn't.

"tae, why didn't you opened the letter?" she repeated.

"just because," he mumbled in a low voice. jisoo couldn't help but to hiss at his chosen words. she crossed her arms and faced him, calming herself. "this is your dream job, taehyung! you can't just let it pass-"

"i've lost interest," he cut her off immediately and his jaw started moving again. he turned away and placed both of his hands at the railings, glancing at the snow slowly falling down from outside.

they were at the second floor's veranda, right infront of seokjin's room. the wind kept on blowing and they have to thank all saints they were wearing warm clothes.

"don't start with me with that excuse," jisoo groaned and held his coat from the back. "yah! face me!"

when he still didn't move, it was jisoo's time to clench her jaw angrily. she hesitated to ask him a question, but she just did. "is it really because of me?"

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