09 | he's back

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"jisoo, are you going with taehyung again or you wanna sit with us on the van?" jimin asked jisoo who's busy closing the door of her hotel room one last time.

jisoo glanced at taehyung who's now watching them, waiting for her answer. she smiled at him softly then faced jimin.

"i'll be with him on the car," she answered while nodding.

taehyung let out a deep sigh. goodness. he whispered. what did i do to deserve this?

"oh-ho.. someone i know is celebrating inside his mind," jungkook whistled and whispered on his ear before running towards the elevator and grabbing jisoo. "bye hyung, see you downstairs!"

"yah! you-" taehyung didn't got the chance to finish his protest because the elevator already closed with jungkook laughing at him while jisoo, jimin, hoseok  and namjoon are beside him, looking so confuse.

"that bastard bestfriend of ours will always tease you, taehyung," seokjin followed him towards the second elevator on the floor since they're the only ones left. "you better get used to it."

"tss," he scowled. "i don't get it why he always teases me to jisoo-"

"it's pretty obvious, tae," jin smirked. "you like her."


"everone who'll check the scenarios can tell that you like her," seokjin tapped his left shoulder. "from the way you admire her and look at her like you want to keep her and make her safe? dude, it's obvious."

"hyung," he called him.

seokjin raised a brow with a small smile on his lips. taehyung didn't utter a word and just shrugged his shoulders.

"see? you can't even deny it," jin chuckled and winked at him.


"are you uh.. going to sleep?" taehyung glanced at jisoo who's busy wearing seatbelts. the van beside them already drove away while the two got stucked because taehyung was waiting for jisoo.

"hm?" she hummed. "no, i got enought sleep last night," she assured taehyung and rested her back at the seat.

he nodded. "and.. sorry about jungkook."

jisoo turned her head to see him already starting to drive. she creased her forehead. "what about him?"

"he always teases you to me or me to you, sorry," he chuckled a bit without leaving his eyes on the road.

"don't worry," she mumbled. "i'm already used to him."

taehyung went quiet for a minute. he was busy thinking what topic cam he bring again but all he can ask is about the other guys.

"jisoo, can you discribe your realtionship with them?"

"huh?" jisoo laughed. "why?"

he shrugged. "nothing, just wanna know.."

"oh.." jisoo started. "jungkook and jimin are kinda my best friends. they're sweet and never gets tired of talking to me even though i sometimes feel awkward," she chuckled at the thought of the two nagging her everytime she's quiet.

"namjoon, hoseok,  and jin oppa are like a big brother to me. they always take care of me and make sure i'm safe," she smiled sweetly while talking.

taehyung nodded. those bastards are so lucky to have you as a little sister and a bestfriend. he mumbled in his head.

taehyung cleared his throat and opened his mouth, "and me?"

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