03 | room

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"taehyung! i missed you!" namjoon opened the car door widely and ran as he saw taehyung waiting for them infront of the house.

jin parked the car and creased his forehead, he notices something wrong..

taehyung looked so pissed off and he doesn't know why. he went to hug namjoon back and uttered the same words but the frown in his face is still plastered.

"yah, why are your face so gloomy?" seokjin asked him and lightly hitted his head.

taehyung shrugged his shoulders and grabbed namjoon's bag. "let me carry those, hyung."

"sure! where's jungkook?" namjoon asked him but then taehyung started to scoff as if he's mad or annoyed.

"he's inside jisoo's house, helping the girl to bring her groceries inside," he explained completely pouting like a kid.

"then why didn't you helped them?" jin asnwered him.

"that younger brat grabbed all the plastic bags before i can even help. why is he so thirsty for jisoo's attention?" taehyung blurted out jokingly making the two older guys laugh.

"so you already met our jisoo?" namjoon asked him and smiled.

taehyung looked up to him as soon as he heard the words 'our jisoo'


"jungkook loves his jisoo noona so much, don't ask why," namjoon continued and chuckled.

"aish, as if it's not obvious.." taehyung mumbled and headed inside as soon as he heard jungkook's cocky voice again.

"namjoon hyung!"

"hey jungkookie it's been a while!"

he heard seokjin's motherly voice again, scolding jungkook. "yah, why are you dragging jisoo?! she might get hurt!"

"she'll be eating with us!" taehyung stopped as soon as he heard him replying.

he immediately ran towards the living room and threw namjoon's bag then went fast to his room to change clothes and take a shower.

taehyung heard the noises down the first floor so instantly fasten his moves. he unlocked his door and went out but his eyes widened when he saw jisoo right infront of him.

"hey jisoo, what are you doing here?" he asked her politely, gently brushing his damp hair using his fingers.

her lips started to tremble. "i-i asked jungkook i'll go to the restroom but he said the one on the first floor is out of order so i should go here, i used to use this room's restroom since it's empty before but-"

taehyung chuckled softly as he held jisoo's hair and ruffled it smoothly, taking a heavy breathe because of the sudden touch he did to her.

"alright, you don't need to be nervous and explain everything.." he smiled and returned his hand down. "use my bathroom then, it's clean. no need to worry.."

jisoo shyly nodded and went inside his room when he opened it for him. taehyung knew all along that jungkook planned this for them to get closer because he was sure that the restroom downstairs is clearly and completely fixed.

"i bet you can see my room through here too, sorry if it's a bit messy," jisoo suddenly commented and looked at the window.

taehyung's mouth was slightly open upon hearing her. his hearbeat started to beat widely, shit.. maybe she know that we watches her, but he didn't dare to ask her about it. he was so nervous and unsure of what to reply.

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