15 | breathe

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"jisoo," he called her softly. jisoo was having a hard time breathing but she still managed to push taehyung away.

the boys doesn't know what to do and they hovered around her. lisa was almost screaming in a small voice as she was holding jisoo's medicines.

"i-i can't b-breathe.."

"no, no," he held her cold hands. "breathe, jisoo, breathe."

she was constantly gasping for air but the boys still doesn't know what to do. jungkook started to tear up seeing jisoo in this kind of state.


jisoo clung her hands around taehyung's neck which made him taken aback but just carressed her back as she continued to breath heavily.

"yah!" lisa was screaming. "how can she breathe properly if you're around her!"

the boys was shocked at lisa's savage yell but taehyung just nodded.

"hyung," he called seokjin. "i'll take care of her, please just help lisa with the costumers outside."

"are you nuts, taehyung?" jimin grimaced.

"i know how to handle her, jimin! just please go out! you know she doesn't want you to see her like this!"

seokjin nodded fast and grabbed jungkook and lisa who was still shaking at how they watched jisoo suffer. jimin decided to follow after sighing.

"call us fast if you need help," then he closed the door for them, even though he was worried about jisoo.

"jisoo," taehyung gently held jisoo's face to face her. she was still crying so hard and gasping for some air. "breathe, you need to breathe.."

jisoo was shaking her head continuously, telling him that she still can't have a proper breathing.

"shh," he wiped all of her tears away and placed the excess of her hair at the back of her ear that was glued with her tears earlier. "look at me, jisoo, look at me.."

and when jisoo did, she saw how calm and relaxing taehyung's eyes are. he made his way to hold her hand tight and gave her soothing words.

"follow me.." he mumbled. "breathe jisoo, look at me.. follow taehyung.. breathe.."

"alright, that's good.." he smiled at her sadly. "breathe more.."

jisoo slowly stopped crying as she stayed staring at taehyung and following his breathing. she almost ran out of energy when fortunately, taehyung catched her limp body.


"how is she?"

the rest of the boys stood up from their seats as they saw lisa coming out from jisoo's room.

"she's fine. she's already sleeping," she replied and went towards the sofa where the boys sat earlier.

"hey lisa," taehyung called her. "could you please stay with her for a little longer?"

she creased her forehead and looked at them. "what about you guys? aren't you gonna wait for her to wake up especially you who calmed her down-"

seokjin cleared his troath and shook his head gently. "we still got something to do so we can't stay long even if we want to."

"oh.. is that so?"

jungkook sighed heavily. "please tell noona to take care always, we're really worried.."

lisa playfully salute and smiled. "yes, i will!"

jimin nodded. "thank you for being her friend, lisa."

she titled her head on the side as she watched the boys. "of course, jimin-ssi! don't worry about jisoo unnie. even though we just met recently, i promise to take care of her knowing that you guys look so worried and nervous about her state.."

"yeah.." seokjin heavily breathed. "we sure are.."

"we got to go," jimin nodded and soon dragged taehyung and jungkook who's just staring at jisoo's room sadly.

lisa waved a goodbye to them when seokjin opened the door and was the first one to leave. she also saw jimin placing his arm around jungkook and seems like he was soothing him.

"hey," jimin called jungkook and taehyung softly. "she's fine.. don't act as if something worse happened, she won't like it if she sees you like this."

jungkook sighed. "i can't help it, hyung.. i miss noona.."

taehyung felt so much sadness as he heard jungkook's answer. he nodded slowly and pursed his lips to stop himself from saying something.

"is she fine?"

taehyung suddenly heard a voice at his back. he turned his head only to see yoongi standing near the door of his room.

he stopped himself from starring at jisoo's window that was opened earlier due to lisa's request.

"what do you think?" he hissed and returned from glancing at jisoo's state.

"look," yoongi sighed. "i'm not here to start an agrument, i just wanna ask if she's alright.."

taehyung didn't utter a word and just nod before an awkward atmosphere came by.

they went quiet for a while but taehyung knows yoongi was still there, as his heavy breathing can still be heard.

"i'm sorry," was the only words yoongi mumbled before turning back and went back to his room.

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