C H A P T E R 2

35 3 0

Year 3020
Tuesday February 3, 8:15 A.M
Complicated matters

Serene's P.O.V

I wake up at me and June's shared bed.Not finding his prescence nor shadow anywhere at the room.He's been always like that for the past months of our relationship.Leaving me without any notice.

I make our bed before going to the kitchen to make food for me and his lunch.He always forget his lunch.

I make some beef bulgogi and kimbap for him since he really love ones.

I ate my breakfast quickly and washing it,after that I took my bath and go to their company building.

When I parked the car outside many employees greeted me with a smile and else.

I saw Harold entering the elevator so I immedietly run and stop the glass doors beforing entering.

'Oh,Hi Serene.Its been a long time since I did'nt saw you"

'Ah yeah its been"

I answered back smiling at him and he just give back the smile I gave him.

'Anyways are you finding for June?"

'Yup,he left his lunch.See?"

I raised the bag and he nod at response.

'I see that you and Yuki are...getting-"

'Closer as you can see"

I just chuckle at him as he gave himself a proud smirk.

'That's why she's mad about it yesterday"

He added and the elevator stops and we both go outside since he have the same floor June have.


He said while going to his office and I just smile and go to June's office.

It seems early,every work station doesnt have workers yet.Wow he's really working hard,I thought.

I finnally saw his office and opened the door with a wide smile.

Only to found out his making out session with his secretary...

Author's P.O.V

Serene's smile immedietly turn into a shock expression.Her eyes became watery at the sight of his boyfreind under someone's body that's not hers.

June smirk while fixing his hair walking up to Serene holding his hands while Serene still looked shocked.

'Mind to join?"

Serene eyes widen and her palm immedietly landed on June's face slapping him real hard before running out of the office dropping his lunch box on the run,wiping her tears out.

June's P.O.V

Her slapped...made me go back to my senses.Did I just...did she just?

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