C H A P T E R 33

18 4 0

Year 3020
11:00 Midnight, Rio de Janeiro
Day 2 of the party
Let's get it!!

Author's P.O.V

'Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!! Woohooo!!! Yeah!!"

You can barely hear the crowd miles away from where you are.Alexander took down the last cup of beer he's chugging.

'Yeah!! Maknae line wins!! ASHOLESSSS!!!"

Ricano shouted from the top of his lungs as he was the host of the game.Everyone threw their beer at the losers,making them drip in wet and smell like nasty and drunk old uncles that we might have.

The Dj turn the music up even more,making the whole beach shake.Alexander get on the stage where the Dj is and took all of his clothes except for their boxers of course.He continued doing so with Drew and Ace,dancing around like crazy teenagers on the streets.

The hyung line coming along with Ricano sitted at the sand,selves drench in beer.They laughed as they sitted while June got can of beers for them but for Rain its a glass of whiskey as he preferred.

June threw the cans of beer at the rest while he handed the whiskey gently to his hyung.

'So Rain hyung? How many babies?"

June half laughed asking his oldest brother.

'You how many girls to get on my level? Hahahaha just kidding...I dont know? Minji and I will going to talk about it soon.How about you you Ricano? Are you married?"

Rain asked Ricano as he took a sip of his drink.

'Eula does not want"

He laughed a bit saying that statement while the rest inside the circle looked at him confuse,while Beat look at him...curious.

'What do you mean she does not want? Why is she going to be a godmother of your kid?"

Harold asked,furrowing his eyebrows chuckling at the end.

'Nope...she doesn't like me.I meant by that is she doesn't like me as an other half but she treat me more like an older brother to her"

'Oww that sucks...in short you're busted"

June added while plafully and gently punching Ricano's shoulder.While Beat just smirked as his confidence grew larger ever than before.

'Yeah pretty much..."

He just chukled and drive the topic to somewhere else.

'By the way,We are on th same age right? And my parents are pushing me into marriage when they heard you invited me at a bachelor's party.It was hilarious"

Ricano said and Rain laugh knowing what exactly that looked and felt like.

'Yeahaha.Anyway what are your standards,per se of a girl or a lady?"

'You know something like Eula too.A sly sexy fox as I can describe her in three words.How 'bout you Rain?"

'Well,Minji of course...a cute,contained mannered lady but sometimes a big ass crackhead you'll thought that she's on drugs but nah she just ate a bowl of chocolate icing.Of course,being her is enough that I can't explain it into two words.You Harold how's your love life?"

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