C H A P T E R 22

30 5 0

Year 3020
12:00 A.M
Emergency Room

Beat's P.O.V

Me and the rest of Eula's group waited outside anxiously.

I shouldn't had shouted on her,now my conscience is ghosting me as I sitted at the cold tiled floor of the hospital,resting my head at my knees.


I heared Mihi as I look at her,crouching at my level to sit down beside me.

I nod with a small weak smile,grabbing the coffee and taking a small sip in it.

'Don't worry,that bitch go through many shits at life Im sure she's going to make it"

Mihi said with a reassuring smile.She's so lucky to have unnies like them...no wonder if she will catch a bullet for them.

Minutes had passed when the doctor exited from the E.R.Then we all stand up waiting what he will say.

'It's another case of her heart disease...her heart enlarged again due to stress.If we can't stop it then later on it'll be the cause of her death.May I ask what happened few hours before this?"

Everyone looked at me and I cleared my throat to start.

'Well,Ace told me that she's having a few shots so I immediately go to the club where she is and I talk to her...then later on she put all her anger at the chairs and tables flipping it upside down.After that I tried to stop her from doing it and crying badly.I didn't knew that I already shouted at her,then she walked away from me.But before she can do that,she fainted"

I said with a sigh saying it quickly.The doctor nod before saying something.

'For now she's stable and conscious already.Then we moved her at one of our private rooms.Nurse Anne will guide you to that room"

He said before walking away.Then we followed her to Eula's room.When we got there I immediately opened the door and saw her peaceful resting face that everybody thinks that it looked liked a sharp devlish look.Like Yuki and Harold hyung have.

She looked at my direction while having that faint smile of hers.

The girls aproached her and started to scold her.

'Yah! What did we told you! No more alchohol right?"

Mihi said and the rest nod.

'Look what happened to you dongsaeng! You started that? Then finish it bitch!"

Yuki added roling her eyes while surprisingly she just chukled at them.Everyone laughed at her and she hugged her tight.Such a family,I thought.

'Don't tell my parents this happened...and my brother.He'll make a scene,that's for sure and Sky unnie will lecture me shits"

They laughed while I just watch them from the sofa.Until someone knock so I opened the door and a kid run inside.

'Aish Yuri! Slow down!"

Alexander said while they enter.Drew and Ace with him.

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