C H A P T E R 40

21 4 0

Year 3020
The next 2 days
10:00 A.M White House

Author's P.O.V

'Yesterday we're done with the representatives of   Europe now we are silently waiting for the representatives of the Asian continent to exit the White House and proceed to the last campaign parade they will be into as the staffs of White House are counting for the results and analyzing backgrounds of each candidate.This is Steve Holland,reporting for AM News.Back at the studio"

The reporter said and his cameraman ended rolling the camera.

'Yow Steve they said at 10:00 A.M the representatives will proceed to the parade already.What the hell happened?"

His cameraman ask and the said Steve just shrug it off before answering.

'Remember the European continent? That's a big continent maybe just like that,or they are experiencing technical difficulties or having a analization difficulties for the individual background"

'Yeah you're ri–"

'There they are!!"

Steve's cameraman got cut off on his words as they both stood up quickly running near the red carpet to make a good scoop of news.

'Here they are! Representatives from the different parts of Asia!"

Steve said as the representatives/candidates walk at the red carpet waving and smiling effortlessly.

'They will now go back to Lancaster hotel to get them selves ready for the parade we all been waiting for"

'Anddddd cut! Now let's go to Lancaster hotel and set this things up"

His cameraman told him as they run to their news van.


Harold's P.O.V

'Hyung!! How's the election going?"

Drew asked me as excitement can be seen at his eyes.

'They are now counting the results and analyzing our backgrounds as well"

I answered as me and Beat proceeded at our designated limo.I didn't find Rain hyung just the maknae line,me and Beat are on the car.

'Where's Rain hyung?"

I asked them and Alexander answered me.

'He said he'll cook first with the help of June and will just go when the parade started.You will see us at the coronation,back at the White House"

He said and the car started to move.The ride is pretty noisy because of the maknae line who's more excited than us.But,Beat caught my attention he's been so silent since last night.What's happening to him? Supposed to be he's excited,happy and else.Wondering by myself doesnt help it so I decided to talk to him.

'What's wrong Beat? You've been so silent since last night? Shouldn't you be excited and happy? Are you nervous?"

I ask him and he just chuckled while smiling at me.

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