C H A P T E R 18

28 5 0

Year 3020
10:00 A.M
The next day...

Serene's P.O.V.

'Unnie,do you think Ace like you?"

I almost choke at the truffles that we're taste testing.Actually me and Eula is inside Alex's hotel as he always brag about his best chef in the world.I just scoff before chukling and shrugging my head with a no

'Wh-what kind kind of question is that?"

'Umm,A curious question? From a curious cat?"

She ask sassily while circling the fork of meatball she's holding.

'Come to think of it,Ace is always...ALWAYS with you"

'Umm,Because we're friends? Duh~"

'Is it what he thinks between you two? Or is it something more than that?"

'Stop with the rhetorical questions,could you?"

'No I couldn't "

Eula said with a derp smile on her lips while raising her one brow.Sometimes I doubt that she's a human.

'Okay,I'll stop.But! Can you enumerate me the things you think he does is cute to you?"

'Is this a test? Eula im thankful you didn't finish your masteral in psychology"

'Shits mate...Just answer it"

We both sitted at one of the sofa inside the room that Alexander gave us to use.

'Well...he bought me a dog,he takes care of me when im sick,he spends his time with me,he always comfort me,he also–"

'Okay enough...I think that's too much.How if I tell you that...he likes you"

'I like him too"

'I mean he likes you more than your thought of liking him,not like you like everyone around you"

'A what? That sounded choppy"

She sighs rolling her eyes before looking at me.

'He have eyes on you.Understood now?"

My brow furrowed in confusion as I process things with this brain.Did Eula said he likes me as in...likes me more than friends? That's why he's acting strange around me.He even had a wet dream with me in it that I dont wanna know what really it is.

'Are you playing with me? Is there any hidden cameras in here so you could play prank at me?"

I chuckled nervously while looking around.

'Do I have time to play unnie? Hmm? Anyways Home service!! Wine and steak please so we'll just going to check the food that passed.Thanks"

She said nonchalantly about what she just spilled at me.

'God Eula as in real...like-like?"

She look me with that judgemental eyes of her as she took a sip at the wine and a bite at her steak.

'If you don't wanna believe then don't.It'll be not my loss if you won't"

She sassed me again.Am I going to believe her? I mean I always trust her but I think this time,I need to hear it from Ace personally.

'If you want you can ask him.But im hundred percent sure he will blush like hell and stutter hahahaha how cute of that guy...Oh– where are you going? We aren't done yet"

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