C H A P T E R 42

14 3 0

Year 3020
5 days passed
Greater Korea

Author's P.O.V

'Many politicians are now celebrating because of the one and only reason.Eula Haijhan is dead–"

'Her brother is said to be readying her funeral arrangements back at Greater Kor–"

'The hospital has said it.Eula Haijhan is dead"

'Christie stop pushing the T.V remote,we need to work here"

Lord Mhaigho said as he was busy staring at the holographic suspect map they have.The Iwata brothers are on the top list.

'Oppa? This is all we got?"

'That's why you are here,I need you to produce ideas who it might be"

'Okay...Iwata's are too obvious, how 'bout Ricano.She's always with Eula"

'Yeah right...we will be leaving no excuses here"

Mhaigho breathed out sharply adding the picture at the map.Christie purse her lips to try and think more.

'How about that Engineer Mitsune...Akihiro Mitsune,the one that Eula busted because of his unlikely manners and pervertness?"

Mhaigho look at Christie puzzled while deciding to put it on the board or not.But in the end he still put it right there.

Christie sitted at one of the sofa Lord Mhaigho have in his house office.

'Oppa,you know...this will be a lot since Eula is the public and private enemy number 1.Plus add the fact that she just killed 80+ Spanish on board when the elections started"

Mhaigho just released a deep sigh...why would this horrible thing happened to her lovely sister,he thought.He sitted at the swivel chair looking at the holographic screen.

'Who's the last person Eula talk to on the last 48 hours since the assasination started?"

'Maybe her campaign team and as far as I remember Yuki talk to her via phone call"

'Really helpful Christi–"


Sky,Mhaigho's wife and now pregnant for atleast 4 months and a half.She greeted the two with a faint smile.

'Uhm,Christie? Sweetie sorry to interupt you two but Jinsha is calling us all via video call and she wants to say something important"

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