C H A P T E R 14

26 7 0

Year 3020
The next 3 days...

Jay's P.O.V

I rubbed my temples with my middle and thumb finger.Thingking the next step what should I do with this beaten up private investigator Gray hired for me.I really expect this to happen.

'Well,what now boss? Your...ex-girlfriend just beat him up...too bad he can't even speak"

One of my henchmen said,putting emphasis on the word ex thingy.

'Dont need to rub it on my face Jungwoo"

I said with a small glare towards him and he just chuckle.Aishh this friend can somehow be an asshole.Until we heared a snoring sound

'The hell is that?"

I said while looking to its direction and saw the P.I is sleeping soundly.Great,now where should we put him?

I stood up and approach him at my office sofa.

'Jungwoo help me with this...oh wait,why he's so warm?"

I said when I took a grab of his arm.I put my palm at his forehead,feeling the warmth of his skin.He's burning hot to be honest.

'Jungwoo I need a hand here.Let's put him at a room"

I said so we put him at one of the empty rooms that is already fully furnished.We putted him down at the bed and let him be.

'Jungwoo,call someone to took care of him.If he die,then bury him.Easy as pie cause I'll talk to someone"

'But you will hire another P.I"

'I'll better do the work"

I said before leaving when someone called me.I expected this to happen.I get out of the room and answer the call calmly.That's how businessmen took care of clients.

'Hello Mr.Yeong,so what's your desicion? Take it or nah? Im swear its gonna be worth it if you make us as your manufacturer.If you want you can try our products one by one.We will deliver it in your mansion in no time if you want.So what's the deal now"

'So great.The deal's great.Deliver me first the testers and we'll try it.If it goes well,then we'll take it.As easy as that,Mr.Park"

'Good then I better settle it now.Thank you Mr.Yeong goodbye"

I said before hanging up and calling my henchmen at the two way radio I have.

'Let's get the work done"

'Roger that sir"


Serene's P.O.V

'Coming! Dont be too excited Ace"

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