Hello so this is future me coming back to edit this: I would just like to say that if this is your first time reading this story & the quality of writing is putting you off from reading any further - IT DOES GET BETTER. please stick with this book, i'm editing right now (june 2020) and i've nearly completed all parts, so you will be reading a whole completed story!!!! anyway, please give it a try and stick with it, i hope it'll be worth it. thank you for clicking on my book, love forever <33
This story is set in October 2015 and progresses. Enjoy! Also, at this point I'm pretending that Simon doesn't live in the sidemen house BUT he does move into it very soon.
"And peace!" Simon spoke as he finished filming for his latest video, I wasn't quite sure exactly what had gone on, but I enjoyed watching the chaotic nature of it.
I was sat in the corner of his room, observing as he recorded, smiling because I was really proud of him. He also needed someone to check the camera settings, and the focus and lighting so I was there to help with that.
No one knew I existed, apart from JJ because he and Simon had been friends since school.
I was Simon Minter's sister, five years younger. Because I was still only 18 years old it was a mutual decision to let me stay private, and essentially no existent to the internet. Plus, I was at university, and it was nice people not befriending me just because of my brother.
"That was so good Simon, I loved it!" I squealed, rushing over to give him a hug after the camera was definitely off.
"Thanks Soph...that means a lot to me." He said, smiling as he ruffled my hair. I didn't really like that, but I let him get away with it today.
"I'm going to meet the guys today, are you alright staying here?" He asked, turning off the lights.
Currently I was on half term break from uni, and I was staying at Simons flat, in the guest room. I'd been living with him during the breaks ever since I left our home town...I didn't get on with my parents, a story so long I wasn't even sure where to begin with it.
The words that came out of my mouth next were the result of my impulsivity, and if only I knew how much they were going to contribute to changing my life.
"Take me to meet them?" I asked, turning to face him.
"Woah? Wait, really? Like, you're sure? This isn't a prank, is it?" He asked, his face lighting up. He had wanted me to meet them since they formed, so literally two years now.
"I'm sure. I want to meet them. I want to see what your life really is like." I said, confirming it. "Fuck it, right?"
"Of course! They're going to lose their fucking minds, fucking hell!"
I laughed, letting him know I was going to get ready. I left the room entering my own temporary room and put some makeup on. I had to look somewhat nice. I knew who the guys were, but they just didn't know that I existed. This was going to be interesting.
Simon was waiting for me outside of the door.
"Are you ready, Soph?" He asked, his face literally glowing.
"I'm ready, Simon. Let's go!"
On the way to Nando's, we listened to our favourite album. Something better left a secret.
We arrived at Nando's, and it looked quiet. Simon just double checked to see if there were any fans around, but there weren't, so we were good.
"Shall we go in?" Asked Simon. I nodded my head.
We walked towards the door, and entered.
The only table taken was that by the guys. They turned around and cheered for Simon, yelling his name. He laughed, walking over and greeted everyone before silence fell upon the table.
It didn't take long until they turned their attention to me. One of the guys, Josh I think, jokingly asked, "I didn't know it was a plus one meal? I would have brought Freya!"
That was his girlfriend.
"I'm not his girlfriend." I stated awkwardly, as we sat down at the table.
"Oh?" Asked Vik.
"Guys, this is Sophie. My sister." Simon said, sort of nervously.
"You have a sister?" Yelled Ethan, his eyes widening in surprised. That was warranted. I'd be surprised too.
His mock outrage made me chuckle and I let a little laugh out.
I saw Harry looking at me, but I let it go. Pretty much everyone was looking at me weirdly. He had caught my attention though...there was something about him that made me want to look back again and again.
"JJ did you know and not tell us?" Asked Tobi, also joking. He smiled at me, reassuring me it was a joke. He seemed friendly...that was obvious.
"It was my decision. Simon wanted you all to know as soon as you guys created the Sidemen. It was just a personal preference, because I'm in uni and I didn't want people knowing who I was." I explained.
Several of their guys let out "I see" and "ahhh" so I knew they didn't blame Simon for not telling them.
"Let's eat! I don't know about you, but I'm fucking starving!" Said Ethan. I knew that me and him were going to be very good friends.
Simon had gone to the toilet just after we had finished the meal, and JJ shuffled closer to me. "Are you alright, Soph? I know it was gonna be scary but you seemed to handle it well."
I smiled. JJ was like another brother to me. "I'm good, JJ. I promise."
And I was.

miniminter's sister | wroetoshaw
Fanfiction"Just come and kiss me, Harry." I said quietly. I didn't think he heard me at first, but he came closer towards me, and pressed his lips against mine. I kissed him back, and only pulled away when I heard Freya telling Josh he owed her another ten po...