Chapter 50

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The big 50! Quick little thank you to everyone who has made it this far :) I love you all so very much & I am very grateful you decided to read this book! Whilst it is coming to an end soon, I'm planning on writing about the other six guys and linking it all back in, so be sure to go and check them out when I start writing them for glimpses of Harry and Sophie! Also I think in the future (at some point) I will get round to writing a sequel for these two, I love them too much!!

I had told Kyle to hold off on booking a hotel for the Manchester show. I still had the apartment, and although it reminded me of the decision I was yet to make on the next contract, I wanted Harry to see it. By the time we had arrived to the apartment complex, it was late at night and we were exhausted from travelling. I had tomorrow and the day after off, allowing me to relax.

Walking through the lobby, I was met by Liam again. I waved a quick hello to him, before leading Harry into the lift.

"Look, this was the lift I sent you all those picture from!" I said excitedly, happy to be back. He murmured a dull response, not even looking up from his phone.

I snatched it out of his hands and looked at him expectantly.

"Harry. I know you're stressed out with everything that's going on, but I already told you that Joe has cleared his schedule for you tomorrow. So, please, just put your phone down tonight."

Something must have clicked for him then, because he apologised, and held my hand.

"Are you looking forward to seeing my apartment?" I asked, a giggling mess. He said that he was, and I ushered him along with me as we reached the door labelled '4H'.

I opened the door, pushing him in gently, and watching expectantly as he looked around.

"You weren't lying when you said it was impressive, huh?" he joked, going over to the kitchen, marvelling in its size.

"Through that door is the bedroom," I said, pointing out the door to the right. He followed my directions and opened the door, and I heard a gasp that had me laughing.

"That was my reaction too," I spoke, walking in to see my apartment. I had missed it - I had especially missed the views it brought along with it.

"This place is incredible," He breathed out slowly, walking over to the bed and sat down. "I already feel more relaxed."

"See! I told you it would work, now come here, lets just watch a movie, or something tonight. Then tomorrow you can go out and do your thing. I'm sure this whole thing will blow over anyway, you reckon it'll end after you do your diss track?" I asked.

"Most likely. We said that we weren't going to do anymore than this - I was the last straw, anyway. Should be fine," he assured me.


The next morning I woke up to an empty bed. Reaching over for my phone, I saw the time. It was only ten in the morning. What time had Harry left for the studio? I pushed the thoughts out of my head and instead focused on making breakfast. Or, well, I was before there was a knock on the door. With a larger sigh, I trekked over to the door, still dressed in my pajamas and my hair in a messy bun.

Thankfully it was just Eloise, and I welcomed her in.

"I think I have sorted something out for you and Ana," She announced.

"Oh yeah?"

"Well we can't just get her to meet up with you because she bought loads of your tickets - at least, the fans can't know. So instead we are running a competition that will be geared towards Ana winning. She gets to come with you for a tour of the studio you produced your music in, tomorrow." Eloise finished.

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