Chapter 15

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How had things managed to turn so awful in the space of twelve hours? Just this morning I had been with my boyfriend exploring Paris. And now here I was, cut off from the world.


It was now three in the afternoon and it had felt like we had walked miles. There was just one more sight I desperately wanted a picture at, and that was the Arc de Triomphe. Unfortunately, it was peak time of day so it was very busy. I quickly ran across the road and posed in front of the memorial before Harry gave me a thumbs up to say that he had taken a photo.

What happened next, happened in complete slow motion - for me at least. I started walking back across the crossing when I heard my name. It was a younger girl, presumably a fan. I quickly ran back to sign an autograph and take a quick picture. Whilst walking back, I didn't have the common sense to look where I was going properly.

I think I made it half way across the crossing before I saw flashing lights and heard a loud horn. I turned around in horror and I was faced with a car, driving straight towards me.

I didn't have time to think or process the situation, let alone react.

I felt the impact. But that was it. 
The next thing I remembered was black. I could hear voices. Plenty of them. But I couldn't see anything. It was so disorientating, I couldn't understand it. I let myself fall back asleep.


This holiday was supposed to be amazing. It was supposed to end 2015 in a good way, not with Sophie ending up in a hospital. One minute I had been taking a picture of her - the next she was lying on the floor, arms flung in different directions, and her legs bent the wrong way. She had been posing in front of a statue - or a building - I wasn't quite sure. I had given her a thumbs up to signal that I had taken the photo.

I had turned around to look at the photo properly, for all of about twenty seconds, before I heard a loud crash and a few gasps. I turned back around and there she was on the floor. Eyes closed, a little blood running from the back of her head.

Straight away I ran over to her, pushing multiple people to the side so I could reach her. I threw my bag on the floor, and stroked her hair. I called out to the people around me, and begged for someone to call for an ambulance. I heard someone talking quickly into a phone and silently thanked them. I leant towards Sophie, and whispered into her ear.

"Sophie, please. Please please please, if you can hear me please be okay. God, I'm so sorry, Sophie please be okay."

/time skip/

It was an hour after we had arrived into the hospital, and Sophie was currently in surgery. She wasn't in critical danger, but there were some worries about her head and internal bruising. It would just be a waiting game.

I hadn't even thought about letting Simon know until now, and I cursed at myself for forgetting. He was going to kill me.

I dialled his number, and pressed the phone against my ear, waiting for him to pick up.

It only rang for a couple of seconds before I heard his voice.


Hi, Simon.

What's wrong? Why are you calling me?

Sophie was in an accident. We are in the hospital - please don't worry, it's not too serious and she will be okay.

There was a slight pause before Simon answered.

I'm catching the next flight over.

Before I even had a chance to respond, he had hung up the phone. I sighed. How had things managed to end up like this?

I made my way back over to the waiting room and I flicked through the photos of her on my phone.

She had to be okay. She had to.

Hi everyone! Wow, thank you so so much for 9000 views! I know everyone says this but I really didn't think I would reach this. When we got to 500 I was shook. But 9000, so close go 10k. If you're still reading this, a big thank you. It means so so so much to me. And don't worry, I plan on making this story into a series - where I will incorporate other characters relationships with the sidemen. It will all work out in the end and I'm super excited! Speaking of that, which sideman would you want the next fanfic to be on? This one is focused on Harry, so choose your pick. It could also be their friends - totally up to you guys!

Anyway, I also wanted to apologise for this chapter being a bit on the short side. I'm in Italy at the moment (loving it) but also meaning I'm quite busy. I think I'm havin a chill day tomorrow so hopefully I can draft a couple chapters. Hope you enjoyed!!!

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