Chapter 14

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Harry had decided that he wanted to act as my personal photographer for the duration of our holiday in Paris. Even the littlest of actions made him obsess over taking a picture of me. 'For the memories' he kept telling me.

On the third day of our trip, we decided that we would go to the Eiffel Tower - all the way to the top. Whilst we started to climb up the steps, Harry quickly became lazy and insisted we take the lift for the remainder of the way up. It was so worth it though, when we reached the top the view was absolutely breathtaking.

We had come at around five in the evening, and the sun was just about to set. When I was admiring the view, Harry took yet another photo of me. Credits to him, it was a beautiful photo. He captured the sunset which contrasted with my shadow.

I continued to admire the view, that when I turned back around Harry was holding a bunch of flowers he must have hidden in his backpack. He gave me the flowers, and it made me blush. Although, I was confused as to why he was suddenly being so romantic.

I graciously accepted the flowers, thanking him, with a hint of a questioning tone in my voice. He cleared his throat before speaking.

"Uh, not to be really cringy or romantic, but seeing as we are in the city of love, on one of the most famous landmarks in the world, I'm going to do it. Sophie, will you be my girlfriend?"

I stifled a laugh. Of course it was romantic and everything, and I appreciated it, but he was being so dramatic! Honestly, of course I was going to say yes. The man looked like he was sweating!

"You're so..stupid Harry. Of course I want to be your girlfriend." I said, engulfing him in a hug. "Although, I must say, I was super confused when you came out with roses. Did you hide them in your bag?" I said, clearly amused. Harry was usually rubbish with secrets, but fair enough to him, he had been very secretive with this.

Harry wrapped his arms around my neck and rested his chin on my hair. Occasionally he would press a kiss to my forehead, but we just looked around at everything for around two minutes. The sun eventually did set, and it started to become dark so we thought it was probably best to get back to our temporary home.

Harry booked an Uber, and whilst we were waiting I realised that I had forgotten to pack a coat - it was perfectly fine earlier on so I didn't see a reason to.

Harry caught me shivering and immediately offered me his coat. Such a gentleman. I graciously accepted and held his hand as we waited for our Uber. It came, and in no time we were back at the house.

Harry ordered us a takeout and we spent the night binge watching Harry Potter movies in bed. I wasn't sure at what time we fell asleep, but it must have been late as I ended up getting up the next day just before midday.

"Morning, sleepy." Harry said, smirking as he looked at me slowly adjusting to the light, and rubbing my eyes.

"What time is it?" I asked groggily, reaching out for my phone.

"Just gone twelve." He said with a cheeky grin.

I stared at him incredulously. "Twelve?! You didn't think to wake me? Harry we're in Paris, I don't want to waste time sleeping!" I protested.

"Yeah, but you looked so cute sleeping there." He replied, offering up his cheeky smile. I couldn't be angry at that. I reached forward and gave him a quick kiss.

I stood up, and stretched. "Okay. Plan of action today. We are going sight seeing. Pack your bags, it's going to be action packed today!" I said joyfully.


I couldn't be more right, but more wrong.

The day was going to be action packed - that was for sure. Just not for the right reasons.


hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment and a vote :) love you all

follow my Instagram - @multiixfandcmm ✌🏻

(27.8.19 just had to come back and edit this chapter because of the official couple picture release thing - the fans DO NOT know they are currently dating, they find out in a later chapter. sorry for the confusion!)

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