Chapter 43

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Hello! My new book Selfish is currently out & I am updating those chapters the same days as I post these! So every Monday and Thursday you'll be getting two updates from me! I know some of you are here for Harry only, but the next book still makes slight references to Sophie and Harry. Enjoy!

Okay so there is a time skip (sorry lol I had no idea how to write about it without literally repeating myself) of a couple of months I am sorry!!!!! I hope this chapter makes up for it tho :)

I was now midway through my last month of my first contract. In total I had produced three songs - four with That Way, the song that had earned me the contract in the first place.

I had Take Off All Your Cool which was the first song I had written. Then we produced Paris, a song that was written about the place I fell in love with Harry. And then we had Sue Me, which was inspired after the cheating rumours and me and Harry had temporarily split. RecordX wanted to put it all together to form an EP, and I was really excited.

The release date was June 10th and it was currently May 17th. Only a month and then I could finally release my songs to the world. Whilst I technically had another two weeks due of my contract, I had done everything there was to do, so I was heading home. I hadn't told Harry because I wanted to surprise him when I got back. We were going to arrange for him to come up and visit during the four months, but we never really got around to doing it, so this would be the first time in literal months of seeing him. I had to admit, it hurt a little when he didn't try harder to come up and see me, but I pushed it to the side. No time for feelings like that right now.

I was holding onto the apartment in Manchester, because Kyle had already offered me another contract. He hadn't exactly told me how long it was going to be for, but assured me that he would email me all the details.

Andy had officially become my manager, and had turned into a father figure over the previous couple of months. Myself and Andrea had also become really good friends, and had promised to stay in contact whilst I was back in London.

Joe had become like a brother to me, and we had started face timing regularly, sometimes just singing my songs to each other. I had already checked with Kyle if I could work with Joe if I came back for the next leg of my contract, and he had agreed because even he had noticed what a great team we made.

I was sad to be leaving Manchester, I had grown very fond of the city whilst I had been staying here. I would definitely miss my apartment, but I knew that I would come and visit at some point.

I left some of my things here, but I had packed up nearly everything else.

I had said goodbye to Fred yesterday, seeing as he was based in Manchester. I would be driven back by the same driver I had on the way up here. No doubts I would be fast asleep again.

I waved my goodbye to Liam who was at the desk, telling to say goodbye for me to the others.

My car was indeed waiting outside for me, and the driver helped load my bags into the boot. "Same address?" He asked, and I shook my head, telling him Harry's apartment. He nodded and opened the door for me, and I got buckled in.

Whilst I was still awake, I took the time to edit a new video. Luckily, I had been sort of consistent with my posting. My apartment tour had gone down a treat, and I had done other videos, such as various QnA's and challenges.

Right now I was editing a would you rather video, and it had been pretty funny to film.

After two or so hours I had finished editing the video, and still had a long way to go so I leaned my head against the window, watching as we drove down the motorway back to London. I kept thinking about how Harry would react when he saw me. I couldn't wait to hug him, to smell his scent again. Not kissing him for four months had been painful, and I longed for it.

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