Chapter 13

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The first alarm didn't wake myself or Harry, but that was okay, because the second and third definitely did. The second alarm woke myself up, and I tried to wake Harry up by nudging his shoulder but he wouldn't budge, so I made sure to put his phone on his pillow so that the sound of the alarm would do the trick.

Once we were both awake, we quickly made some toast before sitting on his sofa together. Luckily, we had packed last night, and we had around half an hour before we had to be at the airport. I was still thinking about the text Simon had sent me last night, and it was making me anxious. As much as he had pissed me off last night, he was still my brother and I was technically running away - with a boy he no longer trusted, or even counted as his friend.

What if he reported me as a missing person? Maybe I should text him to let him know I was safe?

Harry must have noticed me overthinking because he leaned forward an pressed a kiss on my forehead. "What's wrong?" He asked, with genuine concern etched on his face.

"What makes you think anything is wrong?", I replied, knowing full well that I was going to lose this conversation.

"Your face, Sophie. You're overthinking." Heck, he knew me so well.

And yet, I didn't know if I wanted to talk about it - we were about to go on a romantic holiday to Paris - I really didn't want to ruin that. But, knowing Harry, he wouldn't drop it until I would tell him what was on my mind.

"Simon text me," I began, cautiously looking at his face to see if his expression changed. It didn't, so I continued. "He apologised and said he wants to talk about things over lunch. Which means in about the hours or so, when we will be in Paris, he's going to go in my room and discover that I'm not there. I don't want to tell him that we're going to Paris, but I also don't want him to freak out and report me missing. I don't know what to do." I confessed, taking a deep breath after my rant.

Harry nodded his head to show that he understood where I was coming from. "Maybe text him the bare minimum - tell him you've gone to stay with s friend for a few days?" He thought for a couple of seconds. "Or maybe not, because he'll question where I am. God, I'm sorry Sophie. I really don't know what to suggest." He said dejectedly, annoyed that he couldn't help.

I sighed, but kissed him on the neck reassuringly. "Don't worry. I'll figure something out - I always do. Anyway, we should probably get going." I said, after glancing at the time on my phone. Harry agreed and went to get his packed suitcase from his room. I locked up and followed him into the lift that would lead to the car park. We drove in a comfortable silence towards the airport, and got there in good time. Once we had checked in, we went to grab a coffee to keep us awake. It worked and we sat together for the next hour and a half.

Eventually the service announcement said that our gate was open, so we went towards it and waited in the small queue. Harry being - well, Harry, had kindly booked us first class. Once we had boarded the plane, I actually realised how fancy first class was. I settled into my very comfortable seat, and promptly fell asleep.

I woke up to Harry gently shaking me awake, telling me that I needed to put my seatbelt on. It was now a lot lighter compared to the darkness we left in London. I looked out of the window and spectated the beautiful city we were flying into. Harry leaned closer towards me, pressing his chin on the top of my head.

"I'm so excited to spend the last week of 2015 with you." He said. He could be such a hopeless romantic sometimes. I turned around to face him and gave him a quick peck on the lips. I noticed his laptop perched precariously on his lap. Raising an eyebrow, I asked, "Were you editing a video on a plane at four in the morning?" At his guilty nod, I laughed and leaned into his shoulder. It was nice and warm. "What video was it? A football one?" He grinned at my question. "You know me so well, Sophie. Yeah - it's one with Josh that we filmed a month or so ago. Just some penalty shootouts and forfeits, nothing too crazy. Hopefully I can put it out later today." I smiled, before speaking again. "I still don't know what to do about the text."

I sighed in defeat, looking up to meet Harry's gaze. "I think the friend portion is your safest bet. Say you needed some time away from him, and time away from me!" He said in excitement, as if he was literally just thinking of this idea on the spot. "I can say I went back to Guernsey to stay with my family for a bit." It sounded like a good plan, however there were a few minor flaws.

"What about the pictures we'll take? Or if fans see us?" I asked slowly - Harry's expression visibly changed from excited to let down, and he slouched further into his seat. "It's okay. I know what I'm going to do." I said confidently, just as the plane landed in the Paris airport. Harry looked at me questionable but I didn't give anything away. As we were waiting for our taxi oustside the airport, I finally told Harry what I was going to do.

"I'm going to tell him the truth. Me and you went to Paris together earlier than originally planned. It's not like he'll come after us, and besides, even if he tried, he doesn't know where we are staying, Paris is a big city."

Harry nodded approvingly. "I'm glad you didn't listen to my dumb idea, the truth is probably our safest bet. Oh - look, the taxi is here Soph!" He shouted, catching my attention.

The taxi ride only lasted around ten minutes, and it pulled up in front of what seemed like a mansion. Even for a hotel, it was impressive. "Harry, this hotel is huge!" I said, very impressed, a wide smile blooming on my face. "Who said it was a hotel?" He whispered in my ear, before dangling a set of keys in front of my face.

"Oh my god. No you didn't?!" I squealed, running towards Harry, who picked me up in a hug, spinning us both around. "I love it!" I said excitedly, feeling that some tears were very close to spilling down my face. Harry blushes sheepishly and I wasn't surprised. He had always been quite awkward, but he was definitely handling it better. We made our way into the mansion and we immediately noticed the large chandelier dangling from the ceiling. A grand suitcase followed, and I was about to go up them when my phone went off. It was the sound for when I received a text. I was a little hesitant to open it, especially when I saw who it was from.


It was six in the morning in London, why the hell was he still awake?

Sophie where the hell are you? You're not anywhere in the house and I'm getting really worried. Text me back when you get this so I know you're safe please. I'm sorry. I love you.

Guilt consumed me. I sat down in the stairs and started to type out my reply.

Hi. I'm fine. Me and Harry went to Paris early. We'll be back January 1st. Needed to clear my head from you and everyone back home. Don't message me please.

It seemed harsh but it was what I needed, and after all, honesty was the best policy. I sent the text and saw that Simon had already seen it. He started typing, but after a few seconds he stopped. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

Harry jogged up the stairs and sat down next to me. "Everything okay?" He asked, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I nodded, and smiled, leaning further into him.

Hi so this is up a lot quicker than I thought it would be - longest chapter yet 1409 words! Hope you enjoy this content :) I went on holiday for four days which is where I managed to draft this. I go to italy in around three weeks so although I won't post then, hopefully I'll be able to draft a couple chapters. I want to prewrite quite a lot as this next year of school is my last (year 13) and I have a levels in May/ June. So if I write lots now, I can still post during exam season without stressing myself out lol. Anyway yeah, please vote and comment what you thought of this chapter. Love you all.


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