Chapter 23

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One request. When y'all read down a bit (I trust youll know where when you get there) listen to Wings by Birdy when reading it. It's what I wrote it to, and oh my GOD the feels. Just please.

I needed to find him. No one was telling me where he was. I had been asking, and asking, and asking for the last minutes. But no one seemed to have any idea.


Running down the stairs.

Running through the corridors.

For him. I needed to find him.

I needed to.


It was absolutely unreal as to how many people had turned up to the lunch. Old friends from uni, from my old school even. And then obviously the whole YouTube gang, that I had gotten close to after being introduced by Simon.

Simon had organised the tables so everyone was sat facing each other in a square set up. I was sat next to him and Harry, and the chefs presented us with a range of options for lunch, including my personal favourite.

The lunch went on for hours, everyone was chatting away and for me, I was mostly catching up with everyone I hadn't seen for a while. Everyone was smiling, everyone was happy. It was amazing.

Around six in the evening, Simon climbed onto the table, a little tipsy and shouted that the cake was coming.

I let out a little laugh, whilst Harry squeezed my hand and grinned.

The lights were switched off, and everyone started to sing the happy birthday song, whilst I stood in the middle, flushing red.

The chef brought out a large chocolate cake, covered with white sprinkles and accompanied by too many candles to even consider to count.

He placed in in front of me on the table and I patiently waited until everyone stopped singing.

Simon came bouncing over, a little wobbly on his feet and gave me a hug whilst whispering happy birthday.

No one could have even predicted what happened next.

After releasing Simon from our hug, he clumsily jumped back, knocking the table with the cake on, allowing it to spill on the floor. One of the candles somehow managed to fall onto a spare packet of napkins that were under the table and caught fire.

No one had any time to even react. Before we could do anything the fire had moved on to a nearby set of furniture, and it was getting bigger and bigger -

(Put the song on now for full enhancement of this chapter ;) )

"SOPHIE, MOVE!" Screamed Harry, who was now pushing me towards Freya and Josh, who both looked terrified. They started to help me get out, and I stupidly thought Harry would be right behind me.

But he wasn't.

When I had got out of the house, he wasn't there.

He still wasn't there when the first lot of firefighters had put the fire out.

The second round of firefighters had one of the younger chefs over their shoulder.

Still no Harry.

By now I was an absolute mess, sat on the grass sobbing onto Freya's shoulders.

That was, until, I heard something worrying on a loudspeaker.


"Does that mean a firefighter? Or someone in the house? Freya?" I asked, quickly getting up to my feet and shooting a worried look to my best friend.

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