See the trouble with upping the word count is that I now want to beat the word count each time .... but that's impossible. So I'll let you know how I get on at the end of this chapter! Enjoy <3
ALSO - I'm not sure if it's a trigger for anyone, but there's a slight reference to a gag reflex when I'm talking about swallowing pills! It's near the beginning <3
ALSO X2!!!! When I tell you to, play that way, by tate McRae I think her name is! I've linked it here, so hopefully it should work, but if not, search it on spotify or whatever streaming app you use! I'll give you a signal later down in the chapter when you need to listen <3
Harry was still fast asleep by the time I had finally awoken. My head was banging, and I could only remember select parts of last night. Presumably, I had consumed more alcohol than usual last night. Bringing my hand to my forehead, I rubbed circular motions on my temple, in order to try at comfort my headache.
I couldn't face looking at the bright screen of my phone, and instead just lay my head back down on my pillow. Harry shifted in his sleep, now facing me, with his lip lifted up on the pillow. It took all I had not to let out a laugh at the sight - he looked ridiculous.
I kept the smirk to myself and instead wrapped one arm over him, stroking his hair. Now this was a good way to start off the new year.
However, I couldn't stay like this forever. I needed to get up and sort out my head. Either I had been very clever and organised last night - debatable, or someone had very kindly placed some water and some tablets on my bedside table. I assumed it was the latter.
Nevertheless, it was appreciated, and I swallowed the pillows in a swift motion, throwing my head back. I hated swallowing pills, I tried to avoid them at all cost.
The small retching sound I made as the pull scratched my throat must've woken Harry up, for I heard him mutter a string of swear words as he stretched.
"Headache?" I asked quietly, passing him the packet of pills, and the glass of water I had been given.
He half heartedly smiled, taking the two from me, and sat up as he swallowed the pills effortlessly.
I looked at him in awe. "I seriously have no idea how you do that! Teach me!" I joked, nearly gagging once more as I remembered the awful texture of the pill going down my throat.
"Maybe one day," he joked, swivelling on his side so he was facing me.
I shuffled down onto the bed, lying down once more, and faced him too. "Happy 2017," I whispered, kissing him ever so slightly.
"Happy 2017!" He replied back, reaching for his phone.
I shook my head in disbelief. "I have no idea how you can even look at your phone screen. How is your head not banging still? Or did I just drink way more than you?" I questioned, turning round and facing the ceiling of my room.
"Hate to break it to you, Minter, but you're a lightweight."
"I am not a lightweight!" I protested, an offended giggle escaping my mouth. "Okay fine maybe I am a lightweight, doesn't mean you need to point it out!" I continued, rolling my eyes as I saw him celebrate his little victory.
"Sophie -"
"Yeah, I know I'm a lightweight. Don't need to rub it in any further," I cut in.
"No, Sophie," he repeated, showing me his phone screen.
"They said they've sent you an email, and to check -"
"Got it!" I said excitedly, all previous pain disappearing as I checked the screen which now displayed the email sent by the record company.

miniminter's sister | wroetoshaw
Fanfiction"Just come and kiss me, Harry." I said quietly. I didn't think he heard me at first, but he came closer towards me, and pressed his lips against mine. I kissed him back, and only pulled away when I heard Freya telling Josh he owed her another ten po...