Chapter 3

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Ever since me and Harry had had our little chat at his apartment, we had been texting non stop. He was always asking me how I was, and what I was doing. I enjoyed talking to him, it felt nice. I was also enjoying living in London, and spending time with the guys, and girls.

Simon came into my room, frustrated.

"I'm out of video ideas. Help?" He asked, coming and sitting on my bed.

"Sibling tag?" I said, the first thing coming to my mind.

"I did the brothers test in August. It's only October, I can't do another one." He said, still annoyed.

"Who said it had to be with a brother? Why not a sister sibling tag?" I said, a smile creeping on my face.

He quickly turned towards me, and stared at me.

"What? You mean? You'll be in a video? As my sister? Sophie what the fuck? Are you serious right now?" He asked, the questions flooding in.

"Yeah, I'm being deadly serious. Harry talked to me about why I didn't want to be in videos, and I have no excuse anymore. I want to be in your videos."

"Sophie - I, oh my god! I'm so happy!" He said, jumping over and tackling me onto the bed.

"Alright alright, let me breath!" I said jokingly. "Can we film now?" I asked slowly, starting to sit up.

Simon also sat up, and looked at me dead in the eye. "You're totally sure about this?"

I nodded my head. "Totally sure."

"Okay then, I'll set my cameras up in my room, just come in when you're ready."

He left the room, and I changed into better clothes. My light red jumper, and my stripy baggy trousers. A look for sure.

I tied my hair up into a very messy bun and very quickly put on some mascara.
I entered his room, and sure enough he was sat on the chair, ready to film.

Here went everything!

"Right so I thinking that I would introduce the video, and then motion for you to come in and you say like, hi guys! And then bam, we start."

"Sounds good!"

I stepped to the side, out of shot whilst Simon started the video.

"Hey guys, today I'm going to be doing the sibling tag! But, not with Nick or Johnny. I have an announcement. I have a sister, and she's called Sophie. She hasn't been in my videos because she didn't want to until now, but it's fine because she's here now!"

He motioned to where I was standing, and so I bounced into shot. "Helloooo!" I said, cheerfully. To my surprise I didn't find it awkward at all. It flowed really naturally. We answered some questions, and after some tiny bloopers, we were finished within the hour.

Simon turned off the camera after signing off with his "Peace." And turned to me.

"That was brilliant, you're so good in front of a camera! You're sure I can upload it now, right?" He asked chuckling.

"Yeah, I'm excited to see it. Make sure you tag my Instagram for the clout." I said with a smirk.

"You bet I will." He said smiling. "Alright, I'm gonna edit this. Should be up within two hours if I work hard."

"I can't wait! I'm just gonna go back to my room, and do...something." I said, not knowing what to do.

Simon laughed at me being weird, and I rolled my eyes, leaving the room.

As soon as I was back in the comfort of my own room I sighed and collapsed onto the bed. This would change my life, but I was actually really glad I had done it. It felt like a massive weight had been lifted off of my shoulders.

I decided to text Harry, to tell him the good news.

Hey, Harry guess what?


I just filmed a sibling tag video with Simon. It's going up tonight!

Woah wait you're serious???

Yes, Harry. I'm behind completely serious.

I'm so proud of you!!

Uh, thanks Harry. Means a lot. Simons editing it now, I'm kinda bored lmao.

Wish I could help but I have to film a video with Lux. I'll try and text you to pass the time?

Woah, means a lot. You're really contributing to help me out. I appreciate it.

I'll ignore the sarcasm, Soph.

Good good.

Me and Harry ended up texting for an hour before he told me that Cal started to get pissed off so I told him to concentrate on his video and to not worry about me. Besides, it was almost time that the video was uploaded.

Simon called me in as he published it and we watched as hundreds, now into the thousands watched it.

Simon held onto my hand, and squeezed it. Then, my phone pinged. And again. And again. To the point where it was constantly pinging.

"I guess that's my Instagram?" I said laughing. I checked my phone, and where I had 700 followers just five minutes before, I now had 15,000. I almost screamed.

"Fifteen thousand? Simon!? My phone!" I said, but laughing at the same time.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Welcome to the life of a youtuber."

I also received plenty of texts, mostly from the guys but also from some old friends from university.

Congrats Soph!

Omg, I didn't even know! That's so cool!

Loved the video, see you soon.

But one stood out to me. It seemed so genuine.

So proud of you. I told you that you could accomplish good things. Keep going.


I smiled at the text, before shutting my phone off.

"Sorry to cut the niceties short, but I actually need to go to the house to talk about things." Simon said, interrupting my train of thought.

"Oooh, what about? If I'm allowed to ask, that is."

"I probably shouldn't, but I'm going to anyway. We're actually thinking that I might move into the sidemen house, or, we were thinking we are going to buy a new one, and then me, JJ, Vikk and Josh are going to move in. I know you're probably thinking, wait, what about this flat and me? You're very welcome to keep it, or to move in with us, or whatever makes you feel best." He said, finally standing up.

Well. That was not what I was expecting.

"Who's going to be at the meeting?" I asked.

"Everyone. Because the house isn't the only thing we are discussing."

"Can I come along then? I won't be in the meeting because that's obviously private, I can just chill in the kitchen and wait for you to finish, because I can assume you'll stay for a while after?"

"That's exactly what I plan to do. I'll meet you in the kitchen in 20 minutes? It'll give me time to shower and look decent." He said chuckling.

"Sounds good. See you in a bit." I said, waving.

I trotted back into my room, and sat on the chair. What was I going to do? Stay here, move in with the guys or buy a new place? I guess I just had to see how far away the house was.

follow my Instagram - @multiixfandcmm ✌🏻

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