I was officially nineteen. I was born at around quarter to five in the morning, and it was now 9am.
"Morning, sleepy." I said to Harry, who woke up when I sat upright.
"Happy birthday!" He said, giving me a half smile, him still being tired.
"I'm not sure when the others are giving you your presents, but I'll give you mine now." He said, reaching for his suitcase.
"You bought it in your suitcase? No judgments." I spoke, feeling a bit confused.
"Yeah, I got it when I was in Guernsey." He said, with a soft smile.
He handed me a small square box, or something. I couldn't really tell because it was wrapped in birthday paper.
I started to unwrap it and it revealed a small black box, like what jewellery is packed with. It didn't have any writing on, like most stores had.
I looked at him curiously, before continuing.
There was a silver necklace with a small dove at the end of it.
"It's beautiful, Harry. I love it." I whispered. I was still curious as to where he purchased it from.
"It's my great grandma's. She passed it down to the eldest son, to give to his partner. I'm not getting ahead of myself, and I don't plan on suddenly proposing, but you are the girl I can see a future with. And I want you to have it." He said, looking at me directly in the eyes.
"I'd wear it regardless. I love it, so so much. Thank you. This, this means so much to me, truly." I said genuinely.
"Do you want me to put it on?" He asked.
"I would love for you to put it on." I spoke, turning around and moving my hair to the side.
He delicately placed it around my neck and secured the strap. I turned back around and faced him
"How does it look?"
"Beautiful." He spoke, quietly.
I switched on my phone, and noticed that I had received lots of happy birthdays from friends, family, and fans. Me and Harry looked through some of the birthday edits, and I retweeted some to my twitter.
@sophhh : I love the birthday edits!! Me and Harry are looking through them, love you all! RT// @lovesdmnandfriends - HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOPHIE! HOPE YOU ENJOY THE BDAY EDIT I MADE WITH ALL OF MY FRIENDS! LOVE YOU SO MUCH, HOPE YOU SEE THIS XXXXX www//t.co/hd672n382
"They're so creative, don't you think?" I asked, turning to face Harry. "Some of them are better editors than I am." I said with a smile etched on my face.
"You should see the sidemen vines. They're incredible, and super funny." He replied, looking through his camera roll to try and show me one..
/time skip/
I had decided that I didn't really fancy a party, but instead I wanted to invite round all of my friends, for a birthday lunch. Simon had kindly paid for a team of chefs to cook for us, which he told me was part of his present.
Freya was already at ours, due to sleeping round the night before, so she gave me my present from her before the lunch. It felt soft in my hands, and once opening it, it revealed a dark blue dress, more of a gown. Making a small squeak of surprise, I looked up at Freya to see her grinning at me.
"I know that you've always wanted that one dress for special occasions, to make you feel like a princess. And I think I found the one." She said, her smile just growing wider and wider by the second. Dress in hand, I rushed towards her and brought her in for a heartfelt hug.
I whispered a quick thank you to her, before properly unfolding the dress and looking at it. "It's...perfect. I absolutely love it." I said, taking in how beautiful it actually was.
"You should wear it for today. I know it's kind of a casual thing but it's your birthday, you deserve an amazing day, to feel like a princess." Freya spoke. I nodded in agreement, beckoning her to come upstairs with me to help me get ready.
The dress was absolutely stunning. It fit so well, and when I walked the silver glitter that clung to the dress managed to surface and show itself off.
Freya did my makeup and my hair, and it reminded me a lot of New Years, except this time I wasn't in crutches.
Josh called up to say everyone had now arrived and that it was fine to go downstairs, so Freya assisted me down the stairs - with the dress flowing far past my feet.
It was a similar reaction to New Years as well. Harry and Simon were stood together and they both smiled in that way that made my heart happy. Everyone else let out a small gasp or a little clap of the hands before subtly nodding.
I managed to get down the stairs without injuring myself, or Freya for that matter, and started to greet people who had come to attend the lunch.After a good ten minutes of welcoming everyone, I finally got over to Harry, who gave me a quick kiss on the forehead, because he knew that Simon was right behind.
"You look...incredible. I'm kind of, speechless." He said earnestly, once again scratching the back of his neck whilst his cheeks flushed a bright red. I giggled slightly, ruffling his hair a little before telling him I'd meet him at the table. I quickly greeted Simon, thanking him for preparing everything.
He took out a medium sized present, wrapped in green and white wrapping paper.
"This isn't um, an amazing present but I really hope you like it." He said quietly, watching me begin to open it.
It was a photo frame, and inside was a picture of me and Simon when we had first started living together.
I turned to him. "I absolutely love it, thank you." I said, tears forming in the bottom of my eyes.
"I'm glad." Simon replied, already wiping his eyes.
"Maybe we should, um, sit up. They're probably waiting for us." I said quickly, being my usual awkward self. He nodded in agreement, and we went to join everyone who had kindly attended for what seemed like the best birthday I'd ever had.
But guess what.
I was wrong.
HIIII!! Sorry it's the boring author again LOL.
I know updates have been a bit shaky, I really want a schedule again but I have NO time to write this :(( I'm in year 13 now and that means A Levels. And next year it's uni omg :(( also I'm so busy with my job ahhh!!
I have an open day at Sheffield next Saturday tho and it's a good four hours away so if you're lucky I might be able to draft a chapter in the car.
Anyway. We are like 100 views from 20,000...wtf. And we are ranked #10 in youtubers I'm gonna cry you're all the best. I LOVE YOU!
Bye now :)

miniminter's sister | wroetoshaw
Fanfiction"Just come and kiss me, Harry." I said quietly. I didn't think he heard me at first, but he came closer towards me, and pressed his lips against mine. I kissed him back, and only pulled away when I heard Freya telling Josh he owed her another ten po...