Chapter 16

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Simon's POV

The minute I had heard the news about Sophie I had booked the first flight I could to Paris. Harry had messaged me the name of the hospital and what floor she was on, so I would be able to see her as soon as possible. I didn't blame Harry for what happened, that was unfair. But I did believe that if they didn't sneak off together, this probably wouldn't have happened. I would have to stay calm, for Sophie. But also for myself.

When I finally arrived to the hospital Sophie was admitted to, I found myself running up the stairs after missing the elevator. I saw Harry's famous blue jumper and thanked the lords that I had found where she was staying without too much hassle.

"HARRY!" I yelled, making him aware I was there. He turned around sharply, looking at me with a guilty expression.

"Simon, I'm so sorry - I turned around for one second and then the next - she was on the floor - god, I'm so sorry I'm so so sorry." Harry said, not meeting my eyes.

"Harry - stop it." I said firmly. "I want you to know that I don't blame you. I just want to see Sophie, okay?"

He nodded his head, and led me towards a secluded room.

"She's still sleeping - she hasn't woken up from the surgery yet. Doctor said to give it another hour or so." He explained. He set his stuff on the chair, before leaving the room to give us some privacy.

I sat down besides her bed and put my hand in hers.

"I missed you so much Sophie. I'm sorry we left things on a bad note. I love you so much - I thought Harry was taking advantage of you, but he's not, he's really good for you, Sophie. I, sorry that I didn't realise that before. I just want the absolute best for you - you're my little sister and you mean the world to me, okay? Now wake up so I can give you a proper hug. I miss your voice and your smile. I miss you, Sophie. I promise I'll protect you from now on. I promise with my whole heart."

After that mini speech, I leaned towards her bed, and rested my head on the railings. It wasn't comfortable, but I was close to her, and that was all that mattered.

/time skip/

I was woken up by laughter. I adjusted my eyes to the light and noticed that Sophie was upright and laughing - along with Harry. She was still holding my hand.

"What the hell? Why didn't anyone tell me she was awake?" I said, frustrated. I glared at Harry.

Sophie interrupted my mini meltdown. "I go.d Harry not to. You were sleeping peacefully, you were probably stressed out, Si. Believe me - Harry wanted to wake you up. It's not his fault."

I stopped glaring st Harry, and murmured a small apology.

Sophie leaned over to me. "Nice speech, Si. It's nice to know how you feel."

Damn. She heard?

She smiled, knowing that I was feeling very awkward.

Sophie's POV

I couldn't move, but I could feel. I couldn't speak, but I could hear. It was daunting, and scary. I could hear people's voices around me, listing the number of problems wrong with my body. It was disorientating. I heard drilling. I heard cutting. I felt something tugging at my head - god, the headache I would have later would kill. I knew it already. It lasted hours. It felt like years before the were done. But at last I had some sort of peace. I heard Harry's voice, which consisted of him apologising to me. I wish I could tell him it's okay - that there was nothing to apologise for - it was my own fault.

This continued for a while, and it was the same, until someone else came into the room. They held my hand, and I had no clue who it was until they started speaking.


He flew all the way to Paris just to see me?

Even though I couldn't physically respond to his words, I was touched. I wanted to give him a big hug - but obviously that wasn't possible.

After a while I felt his hand go still -he had probably fallen asleep.

/time skip/

"What did it feel like? Waking up?" Harry asked me.

I was still a little groggy - only waking up five minutes ago.

"I'm not really sure. It's just like I was asleep for years, my body stiffened and then I woke up. I'll tell you what - I have a killer of a headache. It feels like I've emptied a whole bar into my mouth."

Harry laughed, and I laughed along with him.

"That's the Sophie I know and love." He said.

"You love?" I asked slowly, looking at him in the eyes. I thought he was going to back away, but to my surprise he didn't.

"Yes, the Sophie I love. I love you. I thought I was going to lose you today and I realised how much I actually do love you Sophie." He said, walking a little closer to my bed.

I gulped before responding. I had wanted to tell him the same for a while, but now it was going to look like I copied him.

"I love you too, Harry. And I'm not just saying that. I genuinely do love the socks off of you." I grinned, holding my spare arm out for him to take.

He laughed, and took it.

/time skip/

"Harryyyyyyyy?" I whined, fluttering my eyelashes at him. I knew it would work.

"Yesssss?" He replied.

"You couldn't pass me my phone could you?"

He laughed, before passing me my phone that had been resting on the table.

I opened Twitter before taking a picture of me in the hospital bed, smiling.

"What on earth are you doing?" Harry asked, looking at me with an incredulous expression.

"Posting on Twitter!" I said sheepishly.

I started to type, and after a moment of deliberation, I decided I would be myself. Truthful, but funny.

Hi guys! I'm okay, got into a little accident when in Paris. Just been in surgery, and @wroetoshaw and @miniminter have got my back. Please don't worry - I'm all good now! Will be back on my YouTube grind as soon as I can. Love you all!

I pressed tweet, and immediately my phone was going off with notifications. Not just from twitter but also texts from the guys and girls back home.

Harry must have also seen it as he gave me a kiss on my forehead. He climbed a little into the bed with me, and we started watching some videos on Twitter. There was this one hilarious one which had me and Harry laughing so much it woke Simon up. He was a little pissed at first, but after I explained everything to him he calmed down.

I was okay and I was surrounded by the two most important people in my life.

Things were looking up once more.

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